Structural Collapse Specialist – Computer Based Training
9P2630 – 8.00 Hours
FP 9P2630 83 | $10.00 | Register |
This schedule is subject to change without notice. If you have not received confirmation of the class prior to the class start, please contact the division at (866) 878-8900 or [email protected] to get the latest schedule.
Course Description
This eight-hour online Computer-Based Training (CBT) course is intended to provide Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Task Force Personnel with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to perform Structural Collapse Specialist (SCS) functions for a US&R team during a disaster or a planned event. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to successfully describe the duties and responsibilities of an SCS on a US&R team, and be able to take part in the Instructor-Led Training component of the Structural Collapse Specialist course.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Course Completion Requirements
In order to complete this course, you must have:
- Internet connection (broadband connection recommended)
- Preferred web browser, is Google Chrome. Other web browsers (i.e, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari, etc.) will work. To prevent issues during your online class, be sure that your web browser is updated to the latest version available.
- The current version of Adobe Acrobat Reader and Adobe Flash loaded on your computer.
Attendance Requirements
To meet attendance requirements, participants must review each training module and complete all required course assignments, activities, quizzes, and/or end of course exam.
Upon successful completion, you will be able to:
- Module 1 – Safety
- Module 2 – Medical Considerations
- Module 3 – Structure Size Up
- Module 4 – Tools
- Module 5 – Shoring
- Module 6 – Breaking, Breaching and Burning
- Module 7 – Lifting and Moving
- Module 8 – Incident Action Plan
Suggested Audience
This course has been developed for the city, state and federal US&R responders. The target audience also includes all emergency responders from municipal and industrial agencies tasked with conducting structural collapse rescue.
Participants include emergency responders from the following disciplines/services:
- Search and Rescue Personnel
- State Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) members
- US&R Task Force Members
- Structural Collapse Response Personnel
- Fire Department Members
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Law Enforcement (LE)
- Industrial Firefighters (IND
- Army and Air National Guard (ANG)
- Weapons of Mass Destruction-Civilian Support Teams (WMD-CST)
- CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Packages (CERFP) Teams
- Homeland Response Forces (HRF)
- County, State, and Federal First Responders
- Public Health and Health Care Workers
Contact Information
Emergency Services Training Institute
Phone: (979) 458-5636
Email: [email protected]