Advanced Ordnance Recognition for Law Enforcement Refresher
UXO205 – 24.00 Hours
Details Buttons | Dates | Location | Class | Price | Register Buttons |
06/23/25 – 06/25/25 | Bryan, TX | LS UXO205 19 | $450.00 | Register |
This schedule is subject to change without notice. If you have not received confirmation of the class prior to the class start, please contact the division at (800) 423-8433 or [email protected] to get the latest schedule.
Course Description
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Bombs and Explosive Devices Course #4000.
Participants enrolling in this course must complete the following course prior to attendance:
Participants must submit the following items within 48 hours of registration.
Participants will be contacted via email to confirm approval and admittance into course.
Course Completion Requirements
Participant Must Provide
Participants must submit the following items at least 21 days prior to the first day of class:
- Confirmation of current employment with either a law enforcement agency or other state/local response authority using departmental letterhead
First Day of Class
- A photo identification on the first day of class. See the Participant Handbook for approved forms of identification and additional guidelines.
Attendance Requirements
Class attendance is an essential part of the education process, and participants in TEEX courses are expected to attend all class sessions and field exercises. The course requires participants to attend a minimum of 100% of the class hours as a component of successful course completion. During the course, your instructor will review any additional attendance requirement, for example a field exercise that cannot be missed.
In some cases, make-up work will not be available (due to equipment/facility needs and/or safety/teamwork components or activity setup/facilitation/requirements).
Participants in a TCOLE credit eligible course must complete the class in its entirety to receive a TEEX Certificate of Completion and be reported for TCOLE credit.
If you have additional questions, please refer to the TEEX Participant Handbook.
- Should be capable of safely operating under stressful conditions and hazardous environments
Upon successful completion, you will be able to:
- Ordnance Safety, Precautions, and Identification
- Fuze Functioning and Identification
- Ordnance Response, Mitigation, and Remediation
Suggested Audience
- Bomb technicians and explosives specialists assigned to local, state, and federal public safety bomb squads
Continuing Education And Professional Credits
Note: Live Online Instructor-Led (webinar) courses are not eligible for TCOLE credit.
- 24.00 hours – Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE)
Other Information
Contact Information
Law Enforcement and Protective Services
Phone: (979) 845-6677 | Toll-Free: (800) 423-8433
Email: [email protected]
Payment Info
- Credit Card – Complete online registration or call (979) 845-6677
- Purchase Order – Complete registration form and send to [email protected] or fax to (979) 862-2788
- Check – Complete registration form and mail to: TEEX – LAW, P.O. Box 40006, College Station, TX 77842