Incident Command System (ICS) Curricula, Train-the-Trainer

MGT906 – 40.00 Hours


Details Buttons Dates Location Class Price Register Buttons
10/28/24 – 11/01/24 Azusa, CA FP MGT906 174 Register
12/02/24 – 12/06/24 Madison, WI FP MGT906 176 Register

This schedule is subject to change without notice. If you have not received confirmation of the class prior to the class start, please contact the division at (866) 878-8900 or [email protected] to get the latest schedule.

Course Description

Enhance your instructional skills and prepare to deliver (FEMA’s Incident Command Systems (ICS) curriculum.  While ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses are addressed, the major emphasis is on ICS-300 and ICS-400.

You will learn from training professionals how to use adult learning techniques to get the best out of the classes you teach.  You will develop a training module during the course. 


  • It is recommended that participants have real-world field experience in ICS at incidents, events or exercises. 

Course Completion Requirements

Score a minimum of 80% on the combines examination or individual course exams.  A 75% score is required on the end of course 449 test.  Students must participate in all course activities.

Participants Must Provide

  • a photo identification on the first day of class. See the Participant Handbook for approved forms of identification and additional guidelines.

Attendance Requirements

Students must attend all sessions and participate in all course activities

Upon successful completion, you will be able to:

  • Explain the background of ICS training development.
  • Identify key requirements and elements within the NIMS Training Program that relate to ICS training courses.
  • Identify appropriate instructional techniques for the delivery of ICS curricula and facilitation of course activities.
  • Identify critical teaching points, participant challenges, and desired outputs for each of the ICS training courses.
  • Explain how to coordinate and execute course deliveries.

Suggested Audience

  • Any individuals that may have responsibility for conducting ICS training in their local jurisdiction up to and including:
  • Fire Service
  • Emergency Management
  • Emergency Medical Services 
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Law Enforcement
  • Public Health
  • Public Works


Other Information

Course size

  • Maximum number of participants: 25
  • Minimum number of participants: 20

FEMA is responsible for establishing national guidelines for incident management training at all jurisdictional levels, including guidelines for ICS instructors. Through a cooperative agreement with DHS/FEMA TEEX/NERRTC offers the ICS Train-the-Trainer curriculum (MGT-906 / L-449 / ICS Train-the-Trainer) at no cost to local, tribal or state jurisdictions.
Participant costs to attend (i.e. travel, lodging, meals, etc.) are NOT covered by funding for this delivery.

The ICS TtT is a five-day / 40-hour course that covers adult education concepts, the ICS-100, 200, 300, 400, G-191 and E/L/G 0402 courses. The focus of the course are the teaching techniques of the various curriculum and addressing the participant dynamics in the classroom setting.

The delivery is rigorous, both academically and work-wise. This includes homework and time after class preparing assignments. Participants may not miss more than 10% of the instruction and activities to receive a certificate (no more than 3.5 hours). Participants will be required to bring a laptop, tablet or suitable device to access online testing links and conduct assigned presentations.

Government Programs

Contact Information

George Glenn

Training Manager
Phone: (979) 500-6773
Email: [email protected]