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Escuela de Capacitacion para Bomberos Hispanos

TEEX Brayton Fire Training Field 1595 Nuclear Science Road, College Station, United States

Aquí se irán publicando noticias sobre la próxima Escuela. ¡Inscríbase temprano para recibir descuento! Todos los años se organiza esta escuela durante el verano en College Station, Texas. Asisten cientos de participantes, incluyendo representantes de los servicios militares, personal de seguridad, y bomberos municipales, industriales, estatales y federales. Más de 150 instructores y presentadores, todos...

Texas Annual School Vendor Shows

​Each year in conjunction with the Texas Annual Fire Training Schools, TEEX hosts three vendor shows drawing thousands of attendees. Come see first-hand the products and services that are available including fire and EMS apparatus, tools, apparel, technology, and more. More than 130 exhibitors will be on display over the three shows, the largest of...

Municipal Fire School

TEEX Brayton Fire Training Field 1595 Nuclear Science Road, College Station, United States

Fire prevention, suppression, control and safety personnel from municipalities, industries, state and federal agencies as well as the armed services attend this school for one week each summer. Highly qualified and experienced instructors provide extensive classroom and/or hands-on training. 2020 Courses will be announced in March! PLEASE NOTE: Announcements will no longer be mailed. Make...


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