Texas Task Force 1 continues rescue operations in Texas
Not only has Texas Task Force 1 Urban Search & Rescue Team (TX-TF1, US&R) activated and deployed water rescue and helicopter rescue resources, TX-TF2 and resources from nearly all 28 FEMA US&R teams have been activated to support operations across the state. Texas Military Department has also activated State Guard members and has deployed a large number of helicopters and High-Profile Vehicles.
TX-TF1 and TX-TF2 US&R teams were engaged in supporting countless rescues and evacuations in Southeast Houston, where record flooding displaced people and pets from homes. In the Harris Country area, six US&R task forces, 15 TX-TF1 Water Rescue Squads, and 10 TX-TF1 Helicopter Search and Rescue (SAR) Technicians have responded. As weather events occur along the Texas coast, TX-TF1 will assess and move resources to support jurisdictions requiring assistance.
About Texas Task Force 1
TX-TF 1 is sponsored by the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) and has deployed over 100 times since 1997. TX-TF1 can be activated by the Texas Division of Emergency Management or as one of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) 28 sanctioned urban search and rescue teams.
Visit the Texas Task Force 1 Website: www.texastaskforce1.org/
Deployment Briefs of previous deployments.
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