10th Annual Leadership Development Symposium draws nearly 1,000 participants

Sessions were led by 30 top subject-matter experts from across the state and nation. Keynote speakers included Corps of Cadets Commandant Brig. Gen. Joe Ramirez Jr. of Texas A&M University, San Antonio Fire Chief Charles Hood, President Geoffrey Tumlin of On Demand Leadership, On a Mission CEO David Griffin, Former Army Ranger Kris Paronto and TVA President Todd Dewett.
“It was especially rewarding to get to talk about leadership with so many professionals who exhibit leadership, integrity, courage, and a commitment to excellence in everything they do every day,” said Gen. Ramirez. “I am certain that symposiums like this only serve to make these men and women who face difficult situations every day, and who have to make tough decisions under difficult circumstances, even better at what they do to serve and protect our communities and their citizens.”

There was no registration fee for Texas first responders to attended the conference, which is sponsored annually by the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) and funded, in part, by Texas general revenue.
The 2019 symposium is scheduled for Jan. 7-9 in Frisco, TX.
Learn more at https://teex.org/leadershipsymposium.