Eathquake Exercise at Disaster City

Every year, Texas Task Force 1 trains in a mock, full-scale exercise at Texas A&M’s Disaster City.

The scenarios are real. The injuries are not.

Saturday, Disaster City was the scene of a magnitude 7 earthquake. Cars were buried under buildings, people were buried under rubble.

Members of the task force say the training is invaluable.

“This is real different than traditional rescue,” said Scott Hill, a task force member.

The simulation also gave members of the Texas A&M Emergency Care Team some hands on practice.

“Its pretty realistic. Its quite scarey actually,” said Anand Ganapathy.

One hundred fifty volunteers helped put a face with an injury.

“I think the more that you act and you play the role the better it is for the people who are training,” said volunteer mock victim, Janet Sprain.

Real training that will help save real lives.