Certified Water Professional (CWP)

Open the floodgates to potential career advancement, professional designation, and peer recognition.

The Certified Water ProfessionalTM (CWP) is a recognition program which represents the highest professional credential in the water utilities field. It provides a professional designation and recognition for those involved in water operations, wastewater operations or both water and wastewater.

It shows employers, co-workers, and the general public that you have achieved a high level of education, training, and experience within the water utilities field. The CWP designation assures that you possess the essential knowledge and experience as a professional within the water and wastewater industry.

Available CWP Certificate Programs

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Click below for a full list of all courses within all the CWP Program tracks

WWW1 Certified Water Professional

CategoryCourse #Course TitleDescriptionFunding Options & Delivery TypesDivisionLearn More Buttons
Certified Water Professional (CWP)MGT342Strategic Overview of Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities
This course was designed to provide an overview of disaster management for water and wastewater professionals who only require a general or introductory level of disaster management training. This course will present information regarding preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or human-caused disasters that threaten water and wastewater facilities and systems. Show less
This course was designed to provide an overview of disaster management for water and wastewater professionals who only require a general or introductory level of disaster management training. This course will present information regarding preparing for, responding to, and recovering from…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)MGT343Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities
The Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities course is designed to provide training to water and wastewater professionals on issues concerning preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or human-caused disasters that threaten water and wastewater facilities and systems.
The Disaster Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities course is designed to provide training to water and wastewater professionals on issues concerning preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural or human-caused disasters that threaten water and wastewater facilities and
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)SAF217Excavation Safety
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Excavation Safety course focuses on the OSHA Standard for Excavation, 29 CFR 1926, 650-652 and provides the formal training required for an experienced professional to act as the “competent person” or one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them during excavation operations. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Excavation Safety course focuses on the OSHA Standard for…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW001Basic Water Works Operations
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator LicenseBasic Water Works Operations is designed to provide an overview of water utility system responsibilities, public relations, water quality, production, disinfection, distribution, and water utility safety. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator LicenseBasic Water Works Operations is designed to provide an overview of water utility system…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW002Groundwater Production
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Groundwater Production course introduces participants to the origins and sources of groundwater, its physical and chemical characteristics as well as  treatment protocols. In addition to these topics, students will discuss considerations for well location, construction issues, and factors related to spring-fed systems versus aquifers. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Groundwater Production course introduces participants to the origins and sources of…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW003Water Distribution
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Water Distribution course provides students with training approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) from industry professionals ranging from water distribution system hydraulics, mains, and valves to hydrants, pumps, motors, and maintenance issues associated with overall water systems. Participants also receive a refresher surrounding water distribution systems, sources, and specific characteristics of water. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Water Distribution course provides students with training approved by the Texas Commission…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW004Surface Water Production I
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 24 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Surface Water Production I course utilizes industry professionals to provide information specific to water treatment for public consumption approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Training provided covers water taste and odor considerations, iron and manganese removal, and special water treatment processes. Participants also receive information necessary to become familiar with filtration principles, to include filter types, media, operation, and maintenance. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 24 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Surface Water Production I course utilizes industry professionals to provide information…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW006Water Laboratory
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Water Laboratory course provides professionals with responsibility for conducting water sample testing in a lab environment with industry standards and best practices as determined through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). During the course participants are required to demonstrate the proper use of all equipment in a lab setting, successfully applying all related safety protocols. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Water Laboratory course provides professionals with responsibility for conducting water…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW007Water Technology
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 40 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Water Technology course helps participants better prepare for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Class A water exam and provides each with operational guidance associated with construction and maintenance of water systems. During the course, participants are provided best practices surrounding the quality control of raw water for lab technicians and plant operators. Training provided covers industry-wide issues such as bacteriology of water, raw water quality and pretreatment, water storage, and water distribution. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 40 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Water Technology course helps participants better prepare for the Texas Commission on…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW013Surface Water Production II
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Surface Water Production II course provides participants with in-depth problem-solving opportunities specific to the six steps of production; mixing, flocculation, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection. Through highly qualified and licensed instructors, participants will expand their understanding of the chemistry involved in the disinfection of water and special treatment processes for taste and odor, water stabilization, and the associated issues related to the Surface Water Treatment Rule. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License The Surface Water Production II course provides participants with in-depth problem-solving…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW070Spanish Basic Water Works Operations
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator LicenseEl curso sobre la Operación Básica del Agua Potable, se enfoca en la relación que existe entre el agua segura para tomar; y el importante papel que juegan los operadores en mantener en forma adecuada y segura, los suministros de agua potable. Durante el curso los participantes reciben una visión general del ciclo del agua, ligado a las responsabilidades únicas del personal que labora en el sistema de agua. Además de estos temas, a los estudiantes se les proporciona información específica sobre la importancia de la regulación y las licencias dentro de la industria del servicio público de agua; como medios de protección a la salud pública, de seguridad y de bienestar.   Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator LicenseEl curso sobre la Operación Básica del Agua Potable, se enfoca en la relación que existe…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW101Basic Wastewater Operations
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseThe Basic Wastewater Operations course provides participants with an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment along with a brief review of the water cycle. The course covers sources and pretreatment of domestic waste as well as characteristics of wastewater. Experienced trainers guide the class through best practices and related standards utilizing classroom discussion and cover all associated laws specific to wastewater. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseThe Basic Wastewater Operations course provides participants with an introduction to…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW102Wastewater Treatment
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Wastewater Treatment course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining wastewater treatment plants, emphasizing the use of safe practices and procedures. In addition to the information provided about state requirements, participants will learn about the composition and characteristics of wastewater, secondary treatment processes, disinfection of wastewater, and laboratory controls. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Wastewater Treatment course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW103Wastewater Collection
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Wastewater Collection course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining a wastewater collection system. This course includes instruction in the importance of wastewater collection. During the course, participants learn the regulatory requirements of collection systems and collection system design parameters. Students also learn about the construction of a collection system, the use of lift stations, basic maintenance and operational procedures, industrial waste monitoring, collection system management and solving problems utilizing wastewater collection calculations. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Wastewater Collection course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining a…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW104Operation of Activated Sludge Plants
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Operation of Activated Sludge Plants course covers the fundamentals of biological treatments, the suspended growth process, and activated sludge processes. Also covered during this training is sludge quality indicators and process control indicators. Attendees also receive information designed to help each have a better understanding of plant observations, a return sludge flow control strategy, sludge wasting controls and a dissolved oxygen control strategy. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Operation of Activated Sludge Plants course covers the fundamentals of biological…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW105Wastewater Laboratory
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Wastewater Laboratory course provides participants with crucial information specific to the production of reliable data linked to the validity of analytical laboratory and field information gathered during departmental wastewater pollution control activities. The course familiarizes participants with standard wastewater test procedures conducted in a laboratory, such as dissolved oxygen, pH, biochemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen, and chlorine residuals. Participants will also learn to record and report results of each analysis required by the state and federal agencies for wastewater analysis. In addition, participants will learn about various types of laboratory equipment and safety concerns associated with a wastewater lab. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Wastewater Laboratory course provides participants with crucial information specific…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW106Wastewater Technology
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 40 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Wastewater Technology course not only prepares students for the Class A wastewater exam, it provides participants information specific to pollution source control, effective laboratory control of wastewater treatment plants, collection systems, and wastewater treatment facilities. Additional information surrounding biological treatment processes, aerobic and anaerobic digestion, trickling filters, biological stabilization ponds, and conventional activated sludge processes will also be covered. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 40 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Wastewater Technology course not only prepares students for the Class A wastewater…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW115Industrial Pretreatment
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Industrial Pretreatment course provides participants with knowledge specific to industrial wastewater pretreatment procedures. During the course, students are introduced to procedures designed to control, reduce, and prevent potentially harmful pollutants from entering both wastewater and stormwater collection systems. Students also explore aspects surrounding the prevention of non-domestic waste from entering Publically Owned Treatment Works (POTW) systems. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License The Industrial Pretreatment course provides participants with knowledge specific to…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW200Water Utilities Calculations
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Water Utilities Calculations course provides participants with fundamentals surrounding the determination of flow level formulas, area and volume calculations, as well as water and wastewater treatment plant calculations. During the course, students are led through the basic steps required to determine these calculations and apply each to an overall system protocol linked to best practices reporting. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Water Utilities Calculations course provides participants…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW201Water Utilities Safety
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill the listed credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Onsite Sewage Facility Operator License (8 Hours)- Wastewater Operator License (20 Hours)- Water Operator License (20 Hours) The Water Utilities Safety course provides students with important information specific to confined spaces, proper personal protective equipment, and biological and chemical safety issues. Additionally, participants are guided through proper procedures associated with excavating and trenching, electrical safety, work site protection, safe vehicle operation, first aid safety tips, and best practices associated with a successful safety program. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill the listed credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Onsite Sewage Facility Operator License (8 Hours)- Wastewater Operator License (20 Hours)- Water Operator…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW202Confined Space Entry
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Confined Space Entry course utilizes the TEEX Mobile Confined Space Safety Trailer to provide students with hands-on training opportunities designed to help each perform confined space entry, assist workers with entry, or supervise employees assigned to make entry. In addition to learning the proper procedures for entering a confined space, participants will be able to better determine if entry into a confined space is permitted. During this training, students will have access to a 38-foot, OSHA compliant, self-contained mobile training unit. Scenario assignments will cover the procedures for testing potential atmospheric hazards, proper application of personal protective equipment, applicable safety equipment, safe performance of work in a confined space, the successful exit of a confined space, and non-entry rescue issues. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW203Pump and Motor Maintenance
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License WWW203 Pump and Motor Maintenance utilizes the TEEX Mobile Pump and Motor Maintenance trailer to provide students with hands-on training opportunities designed to help them learn more about planning, scheduling, and budgeting maintenance for pump and motor equipment. Additionally, subject matter experts will provide instruction on the pump installation, pump and motor types, lubricants, and related pump and motor safety practices. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License WWW203 Pump and Motor Maintenance utilizes the TEEX Mobile Pump…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW204Chlorinator Maintenance
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Chlorinator Maintenance course provides participants with widely used safety practices for all types of chlorine as well as the proper operation and maintenance of chlorinators. During the course, participants learn both common terminology and basic properties of chlorine, as well as its purpose, use safety, principles, and troubleshooting for multiple systems. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Chlorinator Maintenance course provides participants with…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW205Identification of Microorganisms
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Identification of Microorganisms course provides students with information specific to the proper collection of samples. Once collected, utilizing microscopes provided by TEEX, students are provided basic training on proper operation and led through classification exercises for microorganisms, algae, and protozoa. All scenarios are designed to help participants better determine higher-level organisms and how each affects the biological treatment process. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Identification of Microorganisms course provides students with…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW208Valve and Hydrant Maintenance
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Valve and Hydrant Maintenance course utilizes the TEEX Mobile Valve and Hydrant trailer to provide students with hands-on training opportunities designed to help each plan, schedule, and budget for valve and hydrant maintenance. During the course, students are provided opportunities to explore various types of valves, hydrants, and specialized tools required to help maintain or repair system equipment. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Valve and Hydrant Maintenance course utilizes the TEEX Mobile…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW212Applied Confined Space Safety
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License What are the characteristics of confined space fatalities? What are the regulations regarding confined space entry? What permits are required for confined space entry, and what hazards are involved in entering a confined space? WWW212 Applied Confined Space Entry provides crucial life-saving information surrounding the identification and characteristics of confined space dangers and other associated hazards. During the course, students will review several case studies surrounding confined space regulations specific to the water andwastewater industry. The course is based on the 29 CFR Part 1910.146 OSHA regulations. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License What are the characteristics of confined space fatalities? What are…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW217Excavation Safety
The Excavation Safety course focuses on the OSHA Standard for Excavation, 29 CFR 1926, 650-652 and provides the formal training required for an experienced professional to act as the “competent person” or one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them during excavation operations. Show less
The Excavation Safety course focuses on the OSHA Standard for Excavation, 29 CFR 1926, 650-652 and provides the formal training required for an experienced professional to act as the “competent person” or one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings,…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW280Water Utilities Management
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Water Utilities Management course provides students with information surrounding proper management of water and wastewater systems. During the course, participants will be led through planning, organization, and recordkeeping practices determined critical in all areas of utility management. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Water Utilities Management course provides students with…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW351Hazardous Material Awareness (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 1 credit hour in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Hazardous Material Awareness online course discusses chemical safety in the workplace and the hazards associated with such materials.  Upon completion of this online awareness-level course, participants will understand these hazards and how to best protect themselves, others, and the environment.NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date.  Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 1 credit hour in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Hazardous Material Awareness online course discusses chemical…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW352Confined Space Awareness (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 3 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License- Customer Service Inspector Operator License- Landscape Irrigator Operator License- Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank Project Manager Operator License- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Underground Storage Tank Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Confined Space Awareness online course provides participants with a better understanding of the hazards associated with confined space entry and the protective measures to take in a confined space situation. NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 3 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License- Customer Service Inspector Operator License- Landscape Irrigator…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW353Excavation Safety Awareness for Utilities (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 1 credit hour in the following operator license area(s): – On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Underground Storage Tanks Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Excavation Safety Awareness for Utilities online course provides participants with best practices surrounding protection measures specific to excavation hazards. NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 1 credit hour in the following operator license area(s): – On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Underground Storage Tanks Operator License- Wastewater Operator License-…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW354Work Zone Safety for Utilities (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Landscape Irrigator Operator License- Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank Project Manager Operator License- Underground Storage Tank On-Site Supervisor Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License The Work Zone Safety for Utilities online course provides awareness-level training for basic work zone safety principles and for understanding hazards associated with working on near roads in a work zone. NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Landscape Irrigator Operator License- Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank Project Manager Operator License- Underground…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW356Lockout/Tagout for Utilities (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 1 credit hour in the following operator license area(s): – Landscape Irrigator Operator License- Municipal Solid Waste Operator License- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Underground Storage Tank Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Lockout/Tagout for Utilities online course provides students with critical information surrounding the unexpected energizing or startup of machines or equipment as well as the release of stored energy that could result in the severe injury or death of an employee. Once the course is completed, participants will have a better understanding of how hazards associated with lockout/tagout can be reduced and best practices to help save lives and prevent injuries in the workplace. NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 1 credit hour in the following operator license area(s): – Landscape Irrigator Operator License- Municipal Solid Waste Operator License- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW500Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill the following credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License (40 Hours)- Customer Service Inspector Operator License (12 Hours)- Landscape Irrigator Operator License (12 Hours)- Wastewater Operator License (12 Hours)- Water Operator License (12 Hours)- Water Treatment Specialist Operator License (12 Hours) The Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester course provides participants with an interest in cross-connection controls and proper maintenance of water quality standards with guidelines used for acceptable practices of testing backflow prevention devices. Students will be presented with the principles of cross-connection control and methods used to prevent backflow of undesirable substances into water distribution and plumbing systems carrying potable water. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill the following credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License (40 Hours)- Customer Service Inspector Operator…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW501Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Refresher: Rules and Regulations
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License- Customer Service Inspector Operator License- Landscape Irrigator Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator License- Water Treatment Specialist Operator License The Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Refresher: Rules and Regulations course provides licensed testers with continuing education training on current industry regulations and code updates. Additional information received during training covers all current technology surrounding gauges and backflow materials. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License- Customer Service Inspector Operator License- Landscape Irrigator…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW502Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester’s 16-Hour Continuing Education
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 16 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License The Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester 16-Hour Continuing Education course utilizes the TEEX Mobile Backflow trailer to provide students with TCEQ-required hands-on training opportunities designed to help each apply test procedures specific with Backflow Prevention Assemblies for the licensed Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 16 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License The Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester 16-Hour Continuing…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW504Hands-On Skills Ref BPAT
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License The Hands-On Skills Refresher for Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester course utilizes the TEEX Mobile Backflow trailer to provide students with TCEQ-required hands-on training opportunities designed to help each apply test procedures specific with Backflow Prevention Assemblies for licensed Backflow Prevention Assembly Testers. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 8 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License The Hands-On Skills Refresher for Backflow Prevention Assembly…
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Certified Water Professional (CWP)WWW505Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester’s 24-Hour Continuing Education
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill the following credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License (24 Hours)- Customer Service Inspector Operatot License (12 Hours) The Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester 24-Hour Continuing Education course utilizes the TEEX Mobile Backflow trailer to provide students with TCEQ-required hands-on training opportunities designed to help each apply test procedures specific with Backflow Prevention Assemblies for the licensed Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester. In addition to these areas of instruction, students are provided the latest cross-connection control and backflow prevention updates as well as practical skill-level testing and advanced troubleshooting and repair techniques. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill the following credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Operator License (24 Hours)- Customer Service Inspector Operatot…
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