EMS/Public Health Emergency Preparedness

Preparedness and response programs are key to maximizing recovery from any large-scale incident including man-made or natural disasters, pandemics and other public health crises. Programs cover bombing incidents, specific needs of pediatric patients in an emergency response and medical management of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or Explosive events. Other courses guide local health officials and their partners in coordinating plans to provide mass distribution of medical countermeasures in response to public health incidents. Disaster preparedness for hospitals and healthcare organizations provides training to this critical part of community infrastructure. Together, these courses address key requirements in multiple core capabilities including: mass care services, community resilience, health and social services, public health and medical services, long-term vulnerability reduction, risk and disaster resilience assessment, environmental response, physical protective measures, operational coordination, on-scene security and protection, situational assessment, and public and private resources.
EMS Public Health Emergency Preparedness

Category Course # Course Title Description Funding Options & Delivery Types Division Learn More Buttons
Emergency Medical Services AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Emergency Medical Services MGT348 Medical Preparedness and Response for Bombing Incidents
This course is designed for personnel from any professional background who may become part of a community response to a bombing event. This interactive, instructor-facilitated program employs case studies and research-based information designed to enhance medical preparedness for and response to blast effects. Breakout sessions address considerations and concerns specific both to medical responders and emergency planners. Students are encouraged to ask questions and to create a to-do list of items they don’t have the answers to, so they have a list of tasks to address when they return to their jurisdiction. Show less
This course is designed for personnel from any professional background who may become part of a community response to a bombing event. This interactive, instructor-facilitated program employs case studies and research-based information designed to enhance medical preparedness for and response…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Preparedness and Response for Bombing Incidents
Emergency Medical Services MGT439 Pediatric Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness
This course prepares students to effectively, appropriately, and safely plan for and respond to a disaster incident involving children, addressing the specific needs of pediatric patients in the event of a community based-incident. Pediatric specific planning considerations include mass sheltering, pediatric-triage, reunification planning and pediatric decontamination considerations. This is not a hands-on technical course, but instead a management resource course for stakeholders like pediatric physicians, emergency managers, emergency planners, and members of public emergency departments like EMS, Fire, Police, Public Health, and Hospitals in field of disaster response and preparedness work. Show less
This course prepares students to effectively, appropriately, and safely plan for and respond to a disaster incident involving children, addressing the specific needs of pediatric patients in the event of a community based-incident. Pediatric specific planning considerations include mass…
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ESTI Learn More about Pediatric Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Medical Services PER211 Medical Management of Chem, Bio, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive Events
PER 211, Medical Management of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Events answers these questions and more as you learn how to distinguish between different agents of concern that could be used in a major incident.
This course is a combination of facilitated discussions, small-group exercises, Human Patient Simulator hands-on scenarios and traditional classroom discussions. Exercises are conducted in CBRNE scenarios using both adult and pediatric Human Patient Simulators to reinforce classroom lectures and interaction.
This course promotes critical thinking skills while utilizing the RAPID-Care concept. The multi-disciplinary audience helps to strengthen information sharing, communications, and medical surge capabilities. Show less
PER 211, Medical Management of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Events answers these questions and more as you learn how to distinguish between different agents of concern that could be used in a major incident.
This course is a combination of facilitated…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Management of Chem, Bio, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive Events
Emergency Medical Services PRE100 Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop
The goal of the Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop is to provide first responder and city, county, and state officials with the knowledge, skills and abilities to lead an Active Shooter Tabletop Exercise.ScopePast Active shooter events have proven the need for realistic exercises delivered in the community. This course answers that need by providing a train the trainer (TtT) course on how to design and deliver a Tabletop exercise (TTX). This course will also provide template materials needed to deliver five (5) different TTXs, with one (1) of the five TTXs delivered in the afternoon of the training day.    Show less
The goal of the Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop is to provide first responder and city, county, and state officials with the knowledge, skills and abilities to lead an Active Shooter Tabletop Exercise.ScopePast Active shooter events have proven the need for realistic exercises…
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Face-to-Face ESTI Learn More about Active Shooter Exercise Development Workshop
Public Health AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Public Health MGT319 Medical Countermeasures: Point of Dispensing (POD), Planning and Response
This course is a guide for local health officials and their partners to coordinate plans to provide mass distribution of medical countermeasures in response to a large-scale public health incident. This course focuses on planning considerations, recommendation to achieve the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) 48-hour standard for Mass Prophylaxis, and the local community’s Mass Prophylaxis and Point of Dispensing (POD) site preparedness. The course material is applicable to pandemic influenza, bio-terrorism, and other public health emergencies. Show less
This course is a guide for local health officials and their partners to coordinate plans to provide mass distribution of medical countermeasures in response to a large-scale public health incident. This course focuses on planning considerations, recommendation to achieve the Centers for…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures: Point of Dispensing (POD), Planning and Response
Public Health MGT341 Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Orgs within the Community Infrastructure
The Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Organizations Within The Community Infrastructure course provides information specific to healthcare organizations vulnerability to a disaster. During this FEMA sponsored course, participants will be introduced to the various natural, technological, and civil hazards to which healthcare organizations may be vulnerable and the potential impacts of those hazards.
Federal guidelines and legislation that serve to aid in the preparedness for, and response to, incidents involving these hazards are discussed, as are current emergency management standards for the healthcare community. Participants review response and recovery issues that should be addressed by medical facilities and organizations in preparation for a large-scale incident, including identification of critical resources necessary for response and recovery. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Organizations Within The Community Infrastructure course provides information specific to healthcare organizations vulnerability to a disaster. During this FEMA sponsored course, participants will be introduced to the various natural, technological, and…
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ITSI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness for Healthcare Orgs within the Community Infrastructure
Public Health PER320 Personal Protective Measures for Biological Events
Personal Protective Measures for Biological Events is a one-day course focusing on the challenges faced by first responders and clinical health care professionals in prehospital and hospital environments as they deal with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needs and potential contamination issues while dealing with highly infectious diseases.

The course provides participants with an overview of PPE and includes experiential learning activities on donning and doffing Level C PPE and technical decontamination. Additionally, participants review the different types of decontamination. Show less

Personal Protective Measures for Biological Events is a one-day course focusing on the challenges faced by first responders and clinical health care professionals in prehospital and hospital environments as they deal with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) needs and potential contamination…
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NERRTC Learn More about Personal Protective Measures for Biological Events