Lean Six Sigma

Category Course # Course Title Description Funding Options & Delivery Types Division Learn More Buttons
Lean Six Sigma MAP021 Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt provides a systematic approach to dramatically improve cost, quality, and delivery by combining the strengths of today’s two most powerful business initiatives – Lean and Six Sigma – into one integrated program. The DMAIC process provides the overarching structure for project management, helping insure solutions are sustainable. Students learn through a combination of lecture, student project presentations, exercises, case studies, and simulations. Experienced instructors emphasize practical application of tools and provide coaching on student projects. The median annual return for TMAC Green Belt projects is $101,000.
TMAC’s Lean Six Sigma program is one of the most robust and extensive Six Sigma programs available in the country. The content, software, and integration of Lean and Six Sigma make this the most unique and useful training available today. Lean and Six Sigma combined are the most powerful combination of improvement strategies and tools available.
“The Lean Six Sigma course material and exercises focus on practical applications of powerful process improvement tools. After the training, you not only understand the analytical techniques, but you know how to implement them in your own environment.”
This program contains all the critical pieces for success… an integrated methodology and toolset, experienced and knowledgeable instructors, and a powerful e-learning program.At
the end of completing the class itself, the participants receive a
‘certification’ of attending the class.

obtain a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification, beyond just the class, there is the additional
requirement for the participants to actively run a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt project at their
company, and provide the facilitators with the appropriate information and
details that proves they have completed such a project to become a Certified
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt practitioner. Participants have up to one year after
completion of the class to finalize that project.Class Schedule
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification is offered as two one-week sessions over a period of two months. Registration includes both sessions, supplies, lunch, and snacks. Click Register to view session dates.
Weekly Class Times
Monday – 9a-5:00p *Start time subject to change by instructor
Tue-Thu – 8a-5:00p
Friday – 8a-12p Show less

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt provides a systematic approach to dramatically improve cost, quality, and delivery by combining the strengths of today’s two most powerful business initiatives – Lean and Six Sigma – into one integrated program. The DMAIC process provides the overarching structure for…
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Lean Six Sigma MAP022 Lean Six Sigma Black Belt
LEAN SIX SIGMA = Two Powerful Initiatives, One Integrated Program

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt consists of four one-week long sessions held over a period of four months (one week per month).

Dramatically improve cost, quality, and delivery by combining the strengths of two powerful business process improvement initiatives through the systematic approach of the TMAC Lean Six Sigma (LSS) program. Integrated into the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC) project management structure, Lean Six Sigma results are impactful, robust, and sustainable.

Expect to be immersed in a hybrid learning environment of instruction, group exercises, hands-on simulations, teach-backs, project presentations and review of industry case studies. Experienced instructors emphasize practical application of tools and share lessons learned from hundreds of completed projects.

Learning doesn’t stop once training is over. Participants can access TMAC LSS Master Black Belts before, during and after training for coaching to rapidly apply what they learn.

Engage with more than 35 LSS tools.

Earn your LSS BB certification. Complete the course. Apply what you have learned on a project according to the TMAC certification guidelines. Become certified.

TMAC Black Belts experience a median financial impact of $150,000 per year. Registration includes course material including guide books, tool booklets, and binders for in-class materials.


Monday: 9am – 5:30pm

Tuesday – Thursday: 8am – 5:30pm

Friday: 8am – Noon Show less

LEAN SIX SIGMA = Two Powerful Initiatives, One Integrated Program

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt consists of four one-week long sessions held over a period of four months (one week per month).

Dramatically improve cost, quality, and delivery by combining the strengths of two powerful business…
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Face-to-Face BCS Learn More about Lean Six Sigma Black Belt