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Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW330 Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample questions designed to help students assess areas of weakness where additional study may be needed. Once registered, participants have unlimited access to the site for 90 days.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW360 Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use common math principles to determine volume, capacity, and flow rate within water and wastewater operations.
NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW370 Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for Utilities online course provides students with information specific to the principles of electricity and related work environment safety hazards.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW400 Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an introduction to source, characteristics, production, treatment, disinfection, storage, and distribution of potable water. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify general hazards, demonstrate safety practices, explain basic water chemistry, and utilize mathematics as applied to chemical feeding and other operational problems. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW401 Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of the water cycle and responsibilities of system personnel, including related safety issues and regulations. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to define and describe the concepts of water storage, pumping, and distribution. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of…
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  ITSI Learn More about Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW450 Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment, including an overview of the water cycle. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe the responsibilities of wastewater system personnel, with emphasis on the need for regulation of wastewater discharge to protect receiving streams and public health, safety, and welfare. Participants will also be able to describe Texas rules and regulations for licensing of wastewater system operators. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
Architecture and Construction OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Architecture and Construction OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Architecture and Construction OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Health Science AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Health Science AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Health Science EDO520 Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes. However, anyone at the scene can act as an immediate responder and save lives if they know what to do.

This two-hour course includes a formal presentation and hands-on practice of direct pressure application, wound packing, and use of a tourniquet. The course was developed for a non-medical audience to address the needs of the immediate responder to control life-threatening bleeding until help arrives. Show less

Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is…
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Face-to-Face AD Learn More about Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Health Science PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Information Technology AWR138 Network Assurance
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. This course also includes information on securing cloud-based networks and applications.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting),…
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BCS Learn More about Network Assurance
Information Technology AWR139 Digital Forensics Basics
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find traces of illegal or illicit activities left on disk with computer forensics tools and manual techniques, and how to recover data intentionally hidden or encrypted by perpetrators. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find…
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Information Technology AWR168 Foundations of Cyber Crimes
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or prevent cyber crimes. This course examines cyber and cyber facilitated non-violent white-collar crimes, fraud and financial crimes, and violent crimes. The broad landscape of the cyber crimes discussed in this course illustrates the fact that almost all crimes can either be directly committed or indirectly facilitated through the cyber domain-a result of society’s increasing integration and dependence on the Internet and computers into nearly every aspect of daily life.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or…
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Information Technology AWR169 Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with real-world examples and scenarios to help provide knowledge, understanding, and capacity for effective cyber incident analysis and response. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with…
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Information Technology AWR173 Information Security Basics
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber threats. In addition to introducing information assurance, students will also learn general concepts, an overview of TCP/IP, introductory network security, introductory operating system security, and basic cryptography. 
As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber…
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BCS Learn More about Information Security Basics
Information Technology AWR174 Cyber Ethics
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As…
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BCS Learn More about Cyber Ethics
Information Technology AWR176 Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a disaster recovery plan Work around procedures  Technical vulnerabilities faced by organizations Legal issues that may confront an organization As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a…
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Information Technology AWR177 Information Risk Management
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis, risk identification, risk quantification, risk response, security policies and compliance) for better understanding of potential threats and vulnerabilities in business online, and learning to adopt levels of security measures and best practices. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis,…
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BCS Learn More about Information Risk Management
Information Technology AWR178 Secure Software
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network…
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Information Technology AWR402 Introduction to Internet of Things
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices, security, and a variety of existing and developing technologies.This course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by TEEX, a partner in the NCPC. The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices,…
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Information Technology AWR403 Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS). Inadequate deployment and maintenance of security on these systems could provide opportunities for attackers to harm to the American citizenry through NCISS infrastructure and associated resource disruption. This online course provides an overview of similarities and differences between traditional systems attacks and APT attacks. At the end of this course, participants should possess a fundamental understanding of the most common attack path for various advanced persistent threats (APTs). The course covers (a) the cyber kill chain model (b) APT cases and attack techniques and tools; and (c) common APT defense strategiesThis course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by the NCPC partner the Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI).  The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS)….
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Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA101 Forensic Photography I
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be through lecture, case review, and practical exercises.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Forensic Photography Course #40053.
Participant Testimonials:”I feel much more comfortable and confident with my camera and the knowledge I’ve obtained will help tremendously in the field.””I knew nothing of the camera I came in with other than to shoot in ‘auto’ mode. I can now use the camera correctly and efficiently.” Show less
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Forensic Photography I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA107 Basic Property Technician
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven practices developed by the Texas Association of Property and Evidence Inventory Technicians (TAPEIT). The practices learned in this course may be superseded by your agency departmental policy.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Property Technician Course #40062. Show less
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Property Technician
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA113 Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and investigative functions. From the initial response to case prosecution, officers will learn how to manage a wide variety of common criminal investigations. Emphasis is placed on preparation of affidavits, procurement and execution of search and arrest warrants, interview and interrogation procedures, and rules governing the collection and preservation of evidence. Additionally, participants will learn case preparation techniques and unique aspects of special topic investigations, such as narcotics, property crimes, and crimes against persons.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Criminal Investigation Course #40051.
Participant Testimonials:”This training has helped me to see where I could have done a better job with past cases and prepared me for better case work in the future.” Show less
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA114 Death Investigation (Online)
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various types of human death and the investigator’s role throughout the investigative process.
This course meets the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Death Investigation Course #40059.
Participant Testimonials:”I was recently promoted to investigations and this course will definitely make me more capable of doing my job.””Course material was good and I would really recommend this course to any police officers whether they are new officers or veterans.” Show less
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various…
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Online LAW Learn More about Death Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA115 Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification). Participants will be provided with the history and science of fingerprint analysis and comparison while simulating the role of an expert witness in court.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison course #40063. Show less
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification)….
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA116 Foundations of Forensic Photography
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs at a simulated crime scene, acting in the traditional role of an investigator for the case.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Forensic Photography course #667369. Show less
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Forensic Photography
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA118 Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an understanding of the basic factors that create effective courtroom testimony.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Courtroom Testimony course #40065.This online course, along with the 24-hour Face-to-Face FSA119 Courtroom Testimony Practical Applications, will meet the 40-hour Courtroom Testimony requirement for multiple Texas Forensic Science Academy Certificate Programs. Show less
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA250 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include taking crime scene progression photographs, generating a crime scene sketch, collecting, packaging, and documenting evidence, collecting, comparing, and processing fingerprints, and handling bloodstains at a scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I #78050. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA251 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include advanced photography concepts to include low light and laser photography, advanced print processing techniques, handling difficult, adhesive, and textured surfaces, how to build a mock crime scene, and how students should work through and be evaluated on their performance working through the scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom.. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II #77999. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA300 Investigative Tools and Equipment
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal protection equipment to protect against biological hazards while tying together all information into practical activities. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Tools and Equipment course #667370. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal…
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Online LAW Learn More about Investigative Tools and Equipment
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA301 Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Scene Basics course #2210. Show less
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all…
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Online LAW Learn More about Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA303 Basic Fingerprint Processing
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Fingerprint Processing course #3999. Show less
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Fingerprint Processing
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA304 Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information will be tied together in a final activity whereby the participant will simulate the collection of a fingerprint from a piece of evidence identified as a difficult surface.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Fingerprint Processing  on Difficult Surfaces course #78051. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information…
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Online LAW Learn More about Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Manufacturing OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Manufacturing OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Manufacturing OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)

Support Services for Administrators, Teachers and Staff

During an emergency on a school campus – violence, terrorism or an emergency event – it is the first actions taken by school administrators and teachers that will minimize any potential loss of life. An effective emergency plan is critical to making sure the administration’s actions are easily and correctly conveyed to emergency personnel to improve response time and to immediately protect students and employees. The two-day Emergency Operations Plan Technical Assistance course outlines the necessary guidelines to prepare across all areas of school safety. A variety of other security courses are available to individuals and other public and private sector organizations through TEEX licensing by the Texas Private Security Bureau. As a Class F, Level III, Training School, security courses provide skills to improve safety, security, and community resilience for both public and school safety certification and private security licensing.

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Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW330 Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample questions designed to help students assess areas of weakness where additional study may be needed. Once registered, participants have unlimited access to the site for 90 days.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW360 Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use common math principles to determine volume, capacity, and flow rate within water and wastewater operations.
NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW370 Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for Utilities online course provides students with information specific to the principles of electricity and related work environment safety hazards.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW400 Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an introduction to source, characteristics, production, treatment, disinfection, storage, and distribution of potable water. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify general hazards, demonstrate safety practices, explain basic water chemistry, and utilize mathematics as applied to chemical feeding and other operational problems. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW401 Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of the water cycle and responsibilities of system personnel, including related safety issues and regulations. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to define and describe the concepts of water storage, pumping, and distribution. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of…
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  ITSI Learn More about Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW450 Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment, including an overview of the water cycle. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe the responsibilities of wastewater system personnel, with emphasis on the need for regulation of wastewater discharge to protect receiving streams and public health, safety, and welfare. Participants will also be able to describe Texas rules and regulations for licensing of wastewater system operators. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
Architecture and Construction OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Architecture and Construction OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Architecture and Construction OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Health Science AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Health Science AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Health Science EDO520 Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes. However, anyone at the scene can act as an immediate responder and save lives if they know what to do.

This two-hour course includes a formal presentation and hands-on practice of direct pressure application, wound packing, and use of a tourniquet. The course was developed for a non-medical audience to address the needs of the immediate responder to control life-threatening bleeding until help arrives. Show less

Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is…
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Face-to-Face AD Learn More about Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Health Science PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Information Technology AWR138 Network Assurance
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. This course also includes information on securing cloud-based networks and applications.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting),…
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BCS Learn More about Network Assurance
Information Technology AWR139 Digital Forensics Basics
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find traces of illegal or illicit activities left on disk with computer forensics tools and manual techniques, and how to recover data intentionally hidden or encrypted by perpetrators. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find…
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BCS Learn More about Digital Forensics Basics
Information Technology AWR168 Foundations of Cyber Crimes
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or prevent cyber crimes. This course examines cyber and cyber facilitated non-violent white-collar crimes, fraud and financial crimes, and violent crimes. The broad landscape of the cyber crimes discussed in this course illustrates the fact that almost all crimes can either be directly committed or indirectly facilitated through the cyber domain-a result of society’s increasing integration and dependence on the Internet and computers into nearly every aspect of daily life.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or…
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BCS Learn More about Foundations of Cyber Crimes
Information Technology AWR169 Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with real-world examples and scenarios to help provide knowledge, understanding, and capacity for effective cyber incident analysis and response. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Information Technology AWR173 Information Security Basics
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber threats. In addition to introducing information assurance, students will also learn general concepts, an overview of TCP/IP, introductory network security, introductory operating system security, and basic cryptography. 
As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber…
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BCS Learn More about Information Security Basics
Information Technology AWR174 Cyber Ethics
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As…
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BCS Learn More about Cyber Ethics
Information Technology AWR176 Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a disaster recovery plan Work around procedures  Technical vulnerabilities faced by organizations Legal issues that may confront an organization As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a…
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BCS Learn More about Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Information Technology AWR177 Information Risk Management
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis, risk identification, risk quantification, risk response, security policies and compliance) for better understanding of potential threats and vulnerabilities in business online, and learning to adopt levels of security measures and best practices. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis,…
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BCS Learn More about Information Risk Management
Information Technology AWR178 Secure Software
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network…
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BCS Learn More about Secure Software
Information Technology AWR402 Introduction to Internet of Things
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices, security, and a variety of existing and developing technologies.This course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by TEEX, a partner in the NCPC. The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices,…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Internet of Things
Information Technology AWR403 Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS). Inadequate deployment and maintenance of security on these systems could provide opportunities for attackers to harm to the American citizenry through NCISS infrastructure and associated resource disruption. This online course provides an overview of similarities and differences between traditional systems attacks and APT attacks. At the end of this course, participants should possess a fundamental understanding of the most common attack path for various advanced persistent threats (APTs). The course covers (a) the cyber kill chain model (b) APT cases and attack techniques and tools; and (c) common APT defense strategiesThis course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by the NCPC partner the Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI).  The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS)….
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BCS Learn More about Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA101 Forensic Photography I
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be through lecture, case review, and practical exercises.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Forensic Photography Course #40053.
Participant Testimonials:”I feel much more comfortable and confident with my camera and the knowledge I’ve obtained will help tremendously in the field.””I knew nothing of the camera I came in with other than to shoot in ‘auto’ mode. I can now use the camera correctly and efficiently.” Show less
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Forensic Photography I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA107 Basic Property Technician
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven practices developed by the Texas Association of Property and Evidence Inventory Technicians (TAPEIT). The practices learned in this course may be superseded by your agency departmental policy.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Property Technician Course #40062. Show less
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Property Technician
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA113 Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and investigative functions. From the initial response to case prosecution, officers will learn how to manage a wide variety of common criminal investigations. Emphasis is placed on preparation of affidavits, procurement and execution of search and arrest warrants, interview and interrogation procedures, and rules governing the collection and preservation of evidence. Additionally, participants will learn case preparation techniques and unique aspects of special topic investigations, such as narcotics, property crimes, and crimes against persons.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Criminal Investigation Course #40051.
Participant Testimonials:”This training has helped me to see where I could have done a better job with past cases and prepared me for better case work in the future.” Show less
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA114 Death Investigation (Online)
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various types of human death and the investigator’s role throughout the investigative process.
This course meets the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Death Investigation Course #40059.
Participant Testimonials:”I was recently promoted to investigations and this course will definitely make me more capable of doing my job.””Course material was good and I would really recommend this course to any police officers whether they are new officers or veterans.” Show less
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various…
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Online LAW Learn More about Death Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA115 Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification). Participants will be provided with the history and science of fingerprint analysis and comparison while simulating the role of an expert witness in court.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison course #40063. Show less
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification)….
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA116 Foundations of Forensic Photography
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs at a simulated crime scene, acting in the traditional role of an investigator for the case.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Forensic Photography course #667369. Show less
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Forensic Photography
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA118 Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an understanding of the basic factors that create effective courtroom testimony.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Courtroom Testimony course #40065.This online course, along with the 24-hour Face-to-Face FSA119 Courtroom Testimony Practical Applications, will meet the 40-hour Courtroom Testimony requirement for multiple Texas Forensic Science Academy Certificate Programs. Show less
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA250 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include taking crime scene progression photographs, generating a crime scene sketch, collecting, packaging, and documenting evidence, collecting, comparing, and processing fingerprints, and handling bloodstains at a scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I #78050. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA251 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include advanced photography concepts to include low light and laser photography, advanced print processing techniques, handling difficult, adhesive, and textured surfaces, how to build a mock crime scene, and how students should work through and be evaluated on their performance working through the scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom.. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II #77999. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA300 Investigative Tools and Equipment
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal protection equipment to protect against biological hazards while tying together all information into practical activities. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Tools and Equipment course #667370. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal…
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Online LAW Learn More about Investigative Tools and Equipment
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA301 Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Scene Basics course #2210. Show less
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all…
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Online LAW Learn More about Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA303 Basic Fingerprint Processing
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Fingerprint Processing course #3999. Show less
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Fingerprint Processing
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA304 Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information will be tied together in a final activity whereby the participant will simulate the collection of a fingerprint from a piece of evidence identified as a difficult surface.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Fingerprint Processing  on Difficult Surfaces course #78051. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information…
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Online LAW Learn More about Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Manufacturing OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Manufacturing OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Manufacturing OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
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Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW330 Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample questions designed to help students assess areas of weakness where additional study may be needed. Once registered, participants have unlimited access to the site for 90 days.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW360 Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use common math principles to determine volume, capacity, and flow rate within water and wastewater operations.
NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW370 Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for Utilities online course provides students with information specific to the principles of electricity and related work environment safety hazards.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW400 Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an introduction to source, characteristics, production, treatment, disinfection, storage, and distribution of potable water. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify general hazards, demonstrate safety practices, explain basic water chemistry, and utilize mathematics as applied to chemical feeding and other operational problems. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW401 Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of the water cycle and responsibilities of system personnel, including related safety issues and regulations. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to define and describe the concepts of water storage, pumping, and distribution. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of…
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  ITSI Learn More about Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW450 Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment, including an overview of the water cycle. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe the responsibilities of wastewater system personnel, with emphasis on the need for regulation of wastewater discharge to protect receiving streams and public health, safety, and welfare. Participants will also be able to describe Texas rules and regulations for licensing of wastewater system operators. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
Architecture and Construction OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Architecture and Construction OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Architecture and Construction OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Emergency Response AWR167 Sport and Special Event Risk Management and Planning
The purpose of this course is to develop capabilities for multi-agency collaboration pertaining to sport and special event safety and
security. Through activity-based training modules, participants will enhance
their ability for planning, risk assessment, training, and exercising practices
specific to conducting sport and special events. The expectation is for
participants to return to their respective organizations and coordinate the
development of a sport and/or special event risk management and planning
process.This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for AWR-167 Sport and Special Event Risk Management and Planning course #78399. Show less
The purpose of this course is to develop capabilities for multi-agency collaboration pertaining to sport and special event safety and
security. Through activity-based training modules, participants will enhance
their ability for planning, risk assessment, training, and exercising…
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LAW Learn More about Sport and Special Event Risk Management and Planning
Emergency Response AWR213 Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness
This course will introduce participants to the key terms, policy, guidance, and preparedness efforts required to safeguard the Nation’s critical infrastructure. Participants will discuss the risk management framework, describe Federal critical infrastructure security and resilience and information sharing programs, and relate critical infrastructure programs to individual actions. Focus will be placed on local preparedness efforts as they relate to the national approach to critical infrastructure security and resilience, enabling stakeholders to address local planning within a common framework. Informed planning is consistent with accepted emergency management standards as the basis for planning across the mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.Individuals completing this course in combination with MGT310, MGT315, MGT414, and MGT452 are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for AWR213 Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness course #78408. Show less
This course will introduce participants to the key terms, policy, guidance, and preparedness efforts required to safeguard the Nation’s critical infrastructure. Participants will discuss the risk management framework, describe Federal critical infrastructure security and resilience and…
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LAW Learn More about Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness
Emergency Response EDO520 Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes. However, anyone at the scene can act as an immediate responder and save lives if they know what to do.

This two-hour course includes a formal presentation and hands-on practice of direct pressure application, wound packing, and use of a tourniquet. The course was developed for a non-medical audience to address the needs of the immediate responder to control life-threatening bleeding until help arrives. Show less

Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is…
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Face-to-Face AD Learn More about Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Emergency Response LET221 Active Attack Event Response Leadership
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift response to these threats.The goal of this online course is to provide leaders in first response and emergency management agencies with strategic leadership and integrated response strategies that will prepare them to not only “stop the killing” but to also “stop the dying” in active attack events. Participants will also be able to recognize the need to prepare their communities for an active shooter attack and use this as an opportunity for positive outreach and community interactions.This course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT). This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #667371. Show less
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift…
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Online LAW Learn More about Active Attack Event Response Leadership
Emergency Response LET222 Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift response to these threats. Research has shown, however, that many of the mass attacks, or active attack events, are over before law enforcement responders arrive on the scene.Civilians who find themselves embroiled in such an event must be prepared to take immediate action to save their own lives before law enforcement arrives. The average response time for police response to an active attack event is three minutes. Without effective, pre-planned response options for civilians at the scene of the attack, many victims can be seriously injured or killed during these three minutes. This online course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) to provide first responders and other professionals with a model response program they can deliver to civilians within their communities. May also be referred to as Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Train-the-Trainer (CRASE).This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #3364. Show less
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift…
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Online LAW Learn More about Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor
Emergency Response LET223 Active Attack Emergency Communications
Available Online – Free! Over the past twenty years, active attack response training has focused on training law enforcement to arrive quickly on scene and engage violent suspects. In recent years that focus has shifted to the fire and EMS community with the introduction of different casualty evacuation models. This online course expands the focus to include another vital part of the community response team: telecommunicators.Each link in this survival chain is important. Our response system must move through the chain as quickly as possible, even with the myriad of variables that can make it difficult. What saves lives in these events is rapid stabilization and transport to definitive care. Telecommunicators, are uniquely positioned to help speed the team towards this goal. This course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) to provide telecommunicators, first responders, and other professionals with information on effective dispatching to better prepare them to save lives and reduce chaos in an active attack event. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #78052. Show less
Available Online – Free! Over the past twenty years, active attack response training has focused on training law enforcement to arrive quickly on scene and engage violent suspects. In recent years that focus has shifted to the fire and EMS community with the introduction of different casualty…
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Online LAW Learn More about Active Attack Emergency Communications
Emergency Response MGT304 Sport and Special Event Staff Training and Development
This course is designed to provide participants with tools and methodologies for training and developing stakeholders assigned to and responsible for public safety at sporting and special events through comprehensively reviewing safety and security staffing challenges, whole community training requirements, and the management and continuous improvement of sport and special event training programs. The training is applicable across the United States regardless of the venue size, capacity, or type of event.This course was developed in a partnership effort between the University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC). Show less
This course is designed to provide participants with tools and methodologies for training and developing stakeholders assigned to and responsible for public safety at sporting and special events through comprehensively reviewing safety and security staffing challenges, whole community training…
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NERRTC Learn More about Sport and Special Event Staff Training and Development
Emergency Response MGT307 Enterprise Risk Management: A Collaborative Community Mitigation Effort
This course introduces enterprise risk management (ERM) to organizations by providing a structured and comprehensive approach to identifying, assessing, managing, and mitigating risks that can impact the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives. Given the complexity of risks faced by higher education institutions, specialized ERM training is essential. This training equips staff and administrators with the skills to implement effective risk management strategies tailored to the education sector. ERM allows organizations to view risk holistically, considering all potential risks across different areas of the business. This approach helps organizations identify interdependencies between risks and make informed decisions that take into account the broader impact on the organization’s goals.Successful completion of the course will provide community leaders and first responders with the ability to conduct an annual risk assessment.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for course #7821. Show less
This course introduces enterprise risk management (ERM) to organizations by providing a structured and comprehensive approach to identifying, assessing, managing, and mitigating risks that can impact the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives. Given the complexity of risks faced…
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LAW Learn More about Enterprise Risk Management: A Collaborative Community Mitigation Effort
Emergency Response MGT361 Crisis Management Affecting Institutions of Higher Education: A Collaborative
Is your campus prepared? This course trains higher education campus and community members, and others involved in crisis management duties and responsibilities to effectively manage a crisis by applying a whole community approach. Risk management strategies, effective crisis communication, and a series of well-developed plans as described in the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) are emphasized. The course utilizes case studies and activities to aid participants in recognizing potential gaps in their current crisis management program and concludes with a practical application, simulated role-play exercise.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT361 Managing Critical Incidents Higher Education course #78402. Show less
Is your campus prepared? This course trains higher education campus and community members, and others involved in crisis management duties and responsibilities to effectively manage a crisis by applying a whole community approach. Risk management strategies, effective crisis communication, and…
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LAW Learn More about Crisis Management Affecting Institutions of Higher Education: A Collaborative
Emergency Response MGT404 Sports and Special Events Incident Management
This course emphasizes the unique aspects of response to an incident occurring during a sports/special event, including considerations for business continuity and after-action activities. You will learn the skills necessary to effectively manage an incident by applying and implementing a multi-disciplinary management team approach as described in the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
The course is designed to help develop athletic department staff, facility management personnel, campus public safety personnel, emergency response supervisors, and others involved in sports/special event management to better manage incidents that could occur during an event. 
At the end of the course a practical application exercise can be customized to your facility where the course is held.
This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC). Show less
This course emphasizes the unique aspects of response to an incident occurring during a sports/special event, including considerations for business continuity and after-action activities. You will learn the skills necessary to effectively manage an incident by applying and implementing a…
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ESTI Learn More about Sports and Special Events Incident Management
Emergency Response MGT412 Sport and Special Event Evacuation and Protective Actions
This course provides assistance to sport venue managers to prepare and/or enhance an evacuation plan to assist emergency responders in implementing flexible and scalable evacuation activities (i.e. evacuation, sheltering in place, or relocation). These emergency activities might occur in isolation or as a result of a larger, multi-entity response initiative. The course is highly innovative in that it builds multi-agency collaboration by delivering critical evacuation planning information.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT412 Sport and Special Event Evacuation Training course #78405. Show less
This course provides assistance to sport venue managers to prepare and/or enhance an evacuation plan to assist emergency responders in implementing flexible and scalable evacuation activities (i.e. evacuation, sheltering in place, or relocation). These emergency activities might occur in…
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LAW Learn More about Sport and Special Event Evacuation and Protective Actions
Emergency Response MGT414 Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Community Lifelines
In this course participants will learn how to develop a roadmap for progress toward the National Preparedness Goal by facilitating the development of resilience considerations and involving essential community critical infrastructure partners. Participants will learn how to formulate considerations for the resilience of community assets that leverage cross-sector partnerships. These considerations enhance the whole community’s ability to manage the risk associated with critical infrastructure protection efforts. Participants will have an opportunity to practice the practical skills necessary to formulate considerations in the local community.Individuals completing this course in combination with AWR213, MGT310, MGT315, and MGT452 are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT414 Advanced Critical Infrastructure Protection course #78400. Show less
In this course participants will learn how to develop a roadmap for progress toward the National Preparedness Goal by facilitating the development of resilience considerations and involving essential community critical infrastructure partners. Participants will learn how to formulate…
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LAW Learn More about Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Community Lifelines
Emergency Response MGT440 Enhanced Sports and Special Events Incident Management
This scenario-based course provides the opportunity to learn and implement policy-level decision-making and incident management alongside industry experts during multiple simulated events. These All-Hazard, simulation-supported emergency response exercises are designed to hone individual and team skills through the perspective of the Incident Command Post, Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and Policy Group. The course uses a multi-disciplinary, team-building approach designed to give participants the skills to safely manage an expanding incident, whether natural, human-caused, or technological, within the context of sports and special events.This course represents a cooperative effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service’s National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (TEEX/NERRTC), a member of the Texas A&M University System Show less
This scenario-based course provides the opportunity to learn and implement policy-level decision-making and incident management alongside industry experts during multiple simulated events. These All-Hazard, simulation-supported emergency response exercises are designed to hone individual and…
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ESTI Learn More about Enhanced Sports and Special Events Incident Management
Emergency Response MGT466 Sport and Special Event Enhanced Risk Management and Assessment
This course provides participants with tools and methodologies for conducting venue-specific and event-specific risk assessments. In the course, participants will utilize assessment outputs to make risk mitigation decisions and determine how to measure the effectiveness of decision-making. This innovative training will introduce methodologies designed to complement and expand on national critical infrastructure framework guidelines. The interdisciplinary course stresses the importance of leveraging and applying proven practices to a wide-range of sport and special event safety and security risks.
This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT466 course #78054. Show less
This course provides participants with tools and methodologies for conducting venue-specific and event-specific risk assessments. In the course, participants will utilize assessment outputs to make risk mitigation decisions and determine how to measure the effectiveness of decision-making….
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NERRTC Learn More about Sport and Special Event Enhanced Risk Management and Assessment
Emergency Response MGT467 Sport and Special Event Public Information and Emergency Notification
Techniques used to deliver timely and accurate information in a complex information environment is challenging to any community or organization hosting a mass gathering. This interdisciplinary course brings planners, operators, communication, government, public safety, marketing and public relations professionals together to prepare and/or enhance venue and event communication programs. The course prepares participants to identify and navigate the sport and special event communication landscape before, during, and after an incident.This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT467 course #78055. Show less
Techniques used to deliver timely and accurate information in a complex information environment is challenging to any community or organization hosting a mass gathering. This interdisciplinary course brings planners, operators, communication, government, public safety, marketing and public…
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NERRTC Learn More about Sport and Special Event Public Information and Emergency Notification
Emergency Response MGT475 Crowd Management for Sport and Special Events
This course is designed to provide participants with tools and techniques for conducting crowd management and crowd control. Participants will engage in scenario-based activities designed to expand their ability to resolve risks related to crowd management and crowd control. The training is applicable across the United States regardless of the venue size, capacity, or type of event.This course was developed in a partnership effort between the University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC). Show less
This course is designed to provide participants with tools and techniques for conducting crowd management and crowd control. Participants will engage in scenario-based activities designed to expand their ability to resolve risks related to crowd management and crowd control. The training is…
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NERRTC Learn More about Crowd Management for Sport and Special Events
Emergency Response PRT256 MEDIC First Aid and CPR Instructor
The Medic First Aid and CPR Instructor course will qualify attendees to provide training in the application and use of First Aid, CPR, and Automated External Defibrillators on both adults and children in addition to providing information on preventing disease from blood borne pathogens. Participants will be provided all materials needed for instruction and will be taught to use lifesaving skills to include the proper use of CPR and first aid procedures. Show less
The Medic First Aid and CPR Instructor course will qualify attendees to provide training in the application and use of First Aid, CPR, and Automated External Defibrillators on both adults and children in addition to providing information on preventing disease from blood borne pathogens….
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Face-to-Face ITSI Learn More about MEDIC First Aid and CPR Instructor
Facility Operations and Maintenance OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Facility Operations and Maintenance OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Facility Operations and Maintenance OSH750 Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500)
OSH750 Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500) covers the effective implementation of a company’s safety and health management system. The course addresses the core elements of an effective safety and health management system and those central issues that are critical to each element’s proper management. This course is an interactive training session focusing on class discussion and workshops.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
OSH750 Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500) covers the effective implementation of a company’s safety and health management system. The course addresses the core elements of an effective safety and health management system and those central issues that are critical to each…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500)
Facility Operations and Maintenance WWW001 Basic Water Works Operations
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator LicenseBasic Water Works Operations is designed to provide an overview of water utility system responsibilities, public relations, water quality, production, disinfection, distribution, and water utility safety. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator LicenseBasic Water Works Operations is designed to provide an overview of water utility system…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Basic Water Works Operations
Facility Operations and Maintenance WWW002 Groundwater Production
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production course introduces participants to the origins and sources of groundwater, its physical and chemical characteristics as well as  treatment protocols. In addition to these topics, students will discuss considerations for well location, construction issues, and factors related to spring-fed systems versus aquifers. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production course introduces participants to the origins and sources of…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Groundwater Production
Facility Operations and Maintenance WWW101 Basic Wastewater Operations
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseThe Basic Wastewater Operations course provides participants with an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment along with a brief review of the water cycle. The course covers sources and pretreatment of domestic waste as well as characteristics of wastewater. Experienced trainers guide the class through best practices and related standards utilizing classroom discussion and cover all associated laws specific to wastewater. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseThe Basic Wastewater Operations course provides participants with an introduction to…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Basic Wastewater Operations
Facility Operations and Maintenance WWW102 Wastewater Treatment
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Wastewater Treatment course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining wastewater treatment plants, emphasizing the use of safe practices and procedures. In addition to the information provided about state requirements, participants will learn about the composition and characteristics of wastewater, secondary treatment processes, disinfection of wastewater, and laboratory controls. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Wastewater Treatment course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Wastewater Treatment
Health Science AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Health Science AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Health Science EDO520 Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes. However, anyone at the scene can act as an immediate responder and save lives if they know what to do.

This two-hour course includes a formal presentation and hands-on practice of direct pressure application, wound packing, and use of a tourniquet. The course was developed for a non-medical audience to address the needs of the immediate responder to control life-threatening bleeding until help arrives. Show less

Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is…
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Face-to-Face AD Learn More about Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Health Science PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Information Technology AWR138 Network Assurance
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. This course also includes information on securing cloud-based networks and applications.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting),…
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BCS Learn More about Network Assurance
Information Technology AWR139 Digital Forensics Basics
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find traces of illegal or illicit activities left on disk with computer forensics tools and manual techniques, and how to recover data intentionally hidden or encrypted by perpetrators. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find…
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BCS Learn More about Digital Forensics Basics
Information Technology AWR168 Foundations of Cyber Crimes
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or prevent cyber crimes. This course examines cyber and cyber facilitated non-violent white-collar crimes, fraud and financial crimes, and violent crimes. The broad landscape of the cyber crimes discussed in this course illustrates the fact that almost all crimes can either be directly committed or indirectly facilitated through the cyber domain-a result of society’s increasing integration and dependence on the Internet and computers into nearly every aspect of daily life.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or…
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BCS Learn More about Foundations of Cyber Crimes
Information Technology AWR169 Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with real-world examples and scenarios to help provide knowledge, understanding, and capacity for effective cyber incident analysis and response. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Information Technology AWR173 Information Security Basics
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber threats. In addition to introducing information assurance, students will also learn general concepts, an overview of TCP/IP, introductory network security, introductory operating system security, and basic cryptography. 
As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber…
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BCS Learn More about Information Security Basics
Information Technology AWR174 Cyber Ethics
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As…
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BCS Learn More about Cyber Ethics
Information Technology AWR176 Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a disaster recovery plan Work around procedures  Technical vulnerabilities faced by organizations Legal issues that may confront an organization As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a…
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BCS Learn More about Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Information Technology AWR177 Information Risk Management
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis, risk identification, risk quantification, risk response, security policies and compliance) for better understanding of potential threats and vulnerabilities in business online, and learning to adopt levels of security measures and best practices. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis,…
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BCS Learn More about Information Risk Management
Information Technology AWR178 Secure Software
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network…
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BCS Learn More about Secure Software
Information Technology AWR402 Introduction to Internet of Things
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices, security, and a variety of existing and developing technologies.This course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by TEEX, a partner in the NCPC. The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices,…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Internet of Things
Information Technology AWR403 Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS). Inadequate deployment and maintenance of security on these systems could provide opportunities for attackers to harm to the American citizenry through NCISS infrastructure and associated resource disruption. This online course provides an overview of similarities and differences between traditional systems attacks and APT attacks. At the end of this course, participants should possess a fundamental understanding of the most common attack path for various advanced persistent threats (APTs). The course covers (a) the cyber kill chain model (b) APT cases and attack techniques and tools; and (c) common APT defense strategiesThis course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by the NCPC partner the Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI).  The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS)….
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BCS Learn More about Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA101 Forensic Photography I
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be through lecture, case review, and practical exercises.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Forensic Photography Course #40053.
Participant Testimonials:”I feel much more comfortable and confident with my camera and the knowledge I’ve obtained will help tremendously in the field.””I knew nothing of the camera I came in with other than to shoot in ‘auto’ mode. I can now use the camera correctly and efficiently.” Show less
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Forensic Photography I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA107 Basic Property Technician
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven practices developed by the Texas Association of Property and Evidence Inventory Technicians (TAPEIT). The practices learned in this course may be superseded by your agency departmental policy.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Property Technician Course #40062. Show less
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Property Technician
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA113 Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and investigative functions. From the initial response to case prosecution, officers will learn how to manage a wide variety of common criminal investigations. Emphasis is placed on preparation of affidavits, procurement and execution of search and arrest warrants, interview and interrogation procedures, and rules governing the collection and preservation of evidence. Additionally, participants will learn case preparation techniques and unique aspects of special topic investigations, such as narcotics, property crimes, and crimes against persons.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Criminal Investigation Course #40051.
Participant Testimonials:”This training has helped me to see where I could have done a better job with past cases and prepared me for better case work in the future.” Show less
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA114 Death Investigation (Online)
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various types of human death and the investigator’s role throughout the investigative process.
This course meets the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Death Investigation Course #40059.
Participant Testimonials:”I was recently promoted to investigations and this course will definitely make me more capable of doing my job.””Course material was good and I would really recommend this course to any police officers whether they are new officers or veterans.” Show less
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various…
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Online LAW Learn More about Death Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA115 Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification). Participants will be provided with the history and science of fingerprint analysis and comparison while simulating the role of an expert witness in court.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison course #40063. Show less
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification)….
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA116 Foundations of Forensic Photography
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs at a simulated crime scene, acting in the traditional role of an investigator for the case.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Forensic Photography course #667369. Show less
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Forensic Photography
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA118 Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an understanding of the basic factors that create effective courtroom testimony.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Courtroom Testimony course #40065.This online course, along with the 24-hour Face-to-Face FSA119 Courtroom Testimony Practical Applications, will meet the 40-hour Courtroom Testimony requirement for multiple Texas Forensic Science Academy Certificate Programs. Show less
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA250 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include taking crime scene progression photographs, generating a crime scene sketch, collecting, packaging, and documenting evidence, collecting, comparing, and processing fingerprints, and handling bloodstains at a scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I #78050. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA251 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include advanced photography concepts to include low light and laser photography, advanced print processing techniques, handling difficult, adhesive, and textured surfaces, how to build a mock crime scene, and how students should work through and be evaluated on their performance working through the scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom.. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II #77999. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA300 Investigative Tools and Equipment
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal protection equipment to protect against biological hazards while tying together all information into practical activities. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Tools and Equipment course #667370. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal…
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Online LAW Learn More about Investigative Tools and Equipment
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA301 Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Scene Basics course #2210. Show less
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all…
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Online LAW Learn More about Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA303 Basic Fingerprint Processing
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Fingerprint Processing course #3999. Show less
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Fingerprint Processing
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA304 Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information will be tied together in a final activity whereby the participant will simulate the collection of a fingerprint from a piece of evidence identified as a difficult surface.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Fingerprint Processing  on Difficult Surfaces course #78051. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information…
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Online LAW Learn More about Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Manufacturing OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Manufacturing OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Manufacturing OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
School Safety and Security AWR375 Risk Management for After School Activities and Interscholastic Athletics
The goal of this course is to enhance the safety and security awareness of individuals responsible for organizing, supervising, and supporting after school activities and interscholastic athletics. This innovative training will provide an online platform for learning while improving the awareness level of security and resilience within school districts and communities hosting special events and interscholastic athletics.

This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Risk & Safety Management course #7821. Show less

The goal of this course is to enhance the safety and security awareness of individuals responsible for organizing, supervising, and supporting after school activities and interscholastic athletics. This innovative training will provide an online platform for learning while improving the…
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NERRTC Learn More about Risk Management for After School Activities and Interscholastic Athletics
School Safety and Security LET221 Active Attack Event Response Leadership
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift response to these threats.The goal of this online course is to provide leaders in first response and emergency management agencies with strategic leadership and integrated response strategies that will prepare them to not only “stop the killing” but to also “stop the dying” in active attack events. Participants will also be able to recognize the need to prepare their communities for an active shooter attack and use this as an opportunity for positive outreach and community interactions.This course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT). This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #667371. Show less
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift…
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Online LAW Learn More about Active Attack Event Response Leadership
School Safety and Security LET222 Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift response to these threats. Research has shown, however, that many of the mass attacks, or active attack events, are over before law enforcement responders arrive on the scene.Civilians who find themselves embroiled in such an event must be prepared to take immediate action to save their own lives before law enforcement arrives. The average response time for police response to an active attack event is three minutes. Without effective, pre-planned response options for civilians at the scene of the attack, many victims can be seriously injured or killed during these three minutes. This online course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) to provide first responders and other professionals with a model response program they can deliver to civilians within their communities. May also be referred to as Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Train-the-Trainer (CRASE).This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #3364. Show less
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift…
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Online LAW Learn More about Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor
School Safety and Security LET223 Active Attack Emergency Communications
Available Online – Free! Over the past twenty years, active attack response training has focused on training law enforcement to arrive quickly on scene and engage violent suspects. In recent years that focus has shifted to the fire and EMS community with the introduction of different casualty evacuation models. This online course expands the focus to include another vital part of the community response team: telecommunicators.Each link in this survival chain is important. Our response system must move through the chain as quickly as possible, even with the myriad of variables that can make it difficult. What saves lives in these events is rapid stabilization and transport to definitive care. Telecommunicators, are uniquely positioned to help speed the team towards this goal. This course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) to provide telecommunicators, first responders, and other professionals with information on effective dispatching to better prepare them to save lives and reduce chaos in an active attack event. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #78052. Show less
Available Online – Free! Over the past twenty years, active attack response training has focused on training law enforcement to arrive quickly on scene and engage violent suspects. In recent years that focus has shifted to the fire and EMS community with the introduction of different casualty…
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Online LAW Learn More about Active Attack Emergency Communications
School Safety and Security LET455 Drug Impairment and Behavior Recognition for Education Professionals
Recognizing the signs and symptoms of individuals under the influence of drugs is important to ensure the safety and health of students and education professionals. This Drug Impairment and Behavior Recognition for Education Professionals (DIBREP) course is designed to provide administrators, counselors, teachers, school nurses, school-based law enforcement officers, school-based law enforcement resource officers, and school-based security officers with tools and training necessary to recognize and document drug/alcohol impairment in students.

This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Alcohol and Drug Use Awareness for Law Enforcement #2085. Show less

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of individuals under the influence of drugs is important to ensure the safety and health of students and education professionals. This Drug Impairment and Behavior Recognition for Education Professionals (DIBREP) course is designed to provide administrators,…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Drug Impairment and Behavior Recognition for Education Professionals
Transportation PPT001 School Bus Driver Instructor
The School Bus Driver Instructor course provides school districts with an opportunity to save resources through the use of their own qualified drivers as behind-the-wheel instructors. Experienced drivers completing instructor training are not only provided with best practices and opportunities to present to their peers, but also receive recommended delivery options, helpful instruction tips, and guidance regarding student documentation requirements. All participants receive an instructor manual designed to guide class work as well as a practitioner manual and supplemental sets of instructional media and candidate driver evaluation documentation. Show less
The School Bus Driver Instructor course provides school districts with an opportunity to save resources through the use of their own qualified drivers as behind-the-wheel instructors. Experienced drivers completing instructor training are not only provided with best practices and opportunities…
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Face-to-Face ITSI Learn More about School Bus Driver Instructor
Transportation TAA510 Traffic Accident Avoidance
Motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the United States. This course demonstrates proper driving techniques required to avoid most potential collisions. Participants are introduced to common driving hazards faced during day-to-day operation of a vehicle. This course exceeds traditional defensive driving courses because all participants will experience up to six hours of actual hands-on training in this medium-stress driving school.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Traffic Accident Avoidance Course #78023. Show less
Motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the United States. This course demonstrates proper driving techniques required to avoid most potential collisions. Participants are introduced to common driving hazards faced during day-to-day operation of a vehicle….
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Traffic Accident Avoidance
Transportation TAA511 Traffic Accident Avoidance – Trailer Use
Motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the United States. This course demonstrates proper driving techniques required to avoid most potential collisions. Participants are introduced to common driving hazards faced during day-to-day operation of a vehicle while towing a trailer. This course is tailored for new and experienced employees who tow trailers. All participants will experience up to six hours of actual hands-on training in this medium-stress driving school.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Traffic Accident Avoidance Course #78023. Show less
Motor vehicle crashes are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the United States. This course demonstrates proper driving techniques required to avoid most potential collisions. Participants are introduced to common driving hazards faced during day-to-day operation of a vehicle…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Traffic Accident Avoidance – Trailer Use
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)

Professional Development for Teachers

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Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW330 Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample questions designed to help students assess areas of weakness where additional study may be needed. Once registered, participants have unlimited access to the site for 90 days.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW360 Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use common math principles to determine volume, capacity, and flow rate within water and wastewater operations.
NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW370 Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for Utilities online course provides students with information specific to the principles of electricity and related work environment safety hazards.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW400 Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an introduction to source, characteristics, production, treatment, disinfection, storage, and distribution of potable water. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify general hazards, demonstrate safety practices, explain basic water chemistry, and utilize mathematics as applied to chemical feeding and other operational problems. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW401 Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of the water cycle and responsibilities of system personnel, including related safety issues and regulations. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to define and describe the concepts of water storage, pumping, and distribution. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of…
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  ITSI Learn More about Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW450 Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment, including an overview of the water cycle. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe the responsibilities of wastewater system personnel, with emphasis on the need for regulation of wastewater discharge to protect receiving streams and public health, safety, and welfare. Participants will also be able to describe Texas rules and regulations for licensing of wastewater system operators. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
Architecture and Construction OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Architecture and Construction OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Architecture and Construction OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Health Science AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Health Science AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Health Science EDO520 Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes. However, anyone at the scene can act as an immediate responder and save lives if they know what to do.

This two-hour course includes a formal presentation and hands-on practice of direct pressure application, wound packing, and use of a tourniquet. The course was developed for a non-medical audience to address the needs of the immediate responder to control life-threatening bleeding until help arrives. Show less

Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is…
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Face-to-Face AD Learn More about Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Health Science PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Information Technology AWR138 Network Assurance
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. This course also includes information on securing cloud-based networks and applications.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting),…
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BCS Learn More about Network Assurance
Information Technology AWR139 Digital Forensics Basics
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find traces of illegal or illicit activities left on disk with computer forensics tools and manual techniques, and how to recover data intentionally hidden or encrypted by perpetrators. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find…
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BCS Learn More about Digital Forensics Basics
Information Technology AWR168 Foundations of Cyber Crimes
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or prevent cyber crimes. This course examines cyber and cyber facilitated non-violent white-collar crimes, fraud and financial crimes, and violent crimes. The broad landscape of the cyber crimes discussed in this course illustrates the fact that almost all crimes can either be directly committed or indirectly facilitated through the cyber domain-a result of society’s increasing integration and dependence on the Internet and computers into nearly every aspect of daily life.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or…
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BCS Learn More about Foundations of Cyber Crimes
Information Technology AWR169 Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with real-world examples and scenarios to help provide knowledge, understanding, and capacity for effective cyber incident analysis and response. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Information Technology AWR173 Information Security Basics
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber threats. In addition to introducing information assurance, students will also learn general concepts, an overview of TCP/IP, introductory network security, introductory operating system security, and basic cryptography. 
As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber…
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BCS Learn More about Information Security Basics
Information Technology AWR174 Cyber Ethics
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As…
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BCS Learn More about Cyber Ethics
Information Technology AWR176 Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a disaster recovery plan Work around procedures  Technical vulnerabilities faced by organizations Legal issues that may confront an organization As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a…
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BCS Learn More about Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Information Technology AWR177 Information Risk Management
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis, risk identification, risk quantification, risk response, security policies and compliance) for better understanding of potential threats and vulnerabilities in business online, and learning to adopt levels of security measures and best practices. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis,…
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BCS Learn More about Information Risk Management
Information Technology AWR178 Secure Software
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network…
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BCS Learn More about Secure Software
Information Technology AWR402 Introduction to Internet of Things
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices, security, and a variety of existing and developing technologies.This course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by TEEX, a partner in the NCPC. The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices,…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Internet of Things
Information Technology AWR403 Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS). Inadequate deployment and maintenance of security on these systems could provide opportunities for attackers to harm to the American citizenry through NCISS infrastructure and associated resource disruption. This online course provides an overview of similarities and differences between traditional systems attacks and APT attacks. At the end of this course, participants should possess a fundamental understanding of the most common attack path for various advanced persistent threats (APTs). The course covers (a) the cyber kill chain model (b) APT cases and attack techniques and tools; and (c) common APT defense strategiesThis course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by the NCPC partner the Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI).  The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS)….
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BCS Learn More about Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA101 Forensic Photography I
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be through lecture, case review, and practical exercises.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Forensic Photography Course #40053.
Participant Testimonials:”I feel much more comfortable and confident with my camera and the knowledge I’ve obtained will help tremendously in the field.””I knew nothing of the camera I came in with other than to shoot in ‘auto’ mode. I can now use the camera correctly and efficiently.” Show less
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Forensic Photography I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA107 Basic Property Technician
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven practices developed by the Texas Association of Property and Evidence Inventory Technicians (TAPEIT). The practices learned in this course may be superseded by your agency departmental policy.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Property Technician Course #40062. Show less
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Property Technician
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA113 Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and investigative functions. From the initial response to case prosecution, officers will learn how to manage a wide variety of common criminal investigations. Emphasis is placed on preparation of affidavits, procurement and execution of search and arrest warrants, interview and interrogation procedures, and rules governing the collection and preservation of evidence. Additionally, participants will learn case preparation techniques and unique aspects of special topic investigations, such as narcotics, property crimes, and crimes against persons.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Criminal Investigation Course #40051.
Participant Testimonials:”This training has helped me to see where I could have done a better job with past cases and prepared me for better case work in the future.” Show less
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA114 Death Investigation (Online)
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various types of human death and the investigator’s role throughout the investigative process.
This course meets the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Death Investigation Course #40059.
Participant Testimonials:”I was recently promoted to investigations and this course will definitely make me more capable of doing my job.””Course material was good and I would really recommend this course to any police officers whether they are new officers or veterans.” Show less
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various…
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Online LAW Learn More about Death Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA115 Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification). Participants will be provided with the history and science of fingerprint analysis and comparison while simulating the role of an expert witness in court.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison course #40063. Show less
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification)….
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA116 Foundations of Forensic Photography
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs at a simulated crime scene, acting in the traditional role of an investigator for the case.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Forensic Photography course #667369. Show less
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Forensic Photography
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA118 Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an understanding of the basic factors that create effective courtroom testimony.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Courtroom Testimony course #40065.This online course, along with the 24-hour Face-to-Face FSA119 Courtroom Testimony Practical Applications, will meet the 40-hour Courtroom Testimony requirement for multiple Texas Forensic Science Academy Certificate Programs. Show less
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA250 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include taking crime scene progression photographs, generating a crime scene sketch, collecting, packaging, and documenting evidence, collecting, comparing, and processing fingerprints, and handling bloodstains at a scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I #78050. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA251 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include advanced photography concepts to include low light and laser photography, advanced print processing techniques, handling difficult, adhesive, and textured surfaces, how to build a mock crime scene, and how students should work through and be evaluated on their performance working through the scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom.. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II #77999. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA300 Investigative Tools and Equipment
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal protection equipment to protect against biological hazards while tying together all information into practical activities. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Tools and Equipment course #667370. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal…
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Online LAW Learn More about Investigative Tools and Equipment
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA301 Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Scene Basics course #2210. Show less
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all…
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Online LAW Learn More about Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA303 Basic Fingerprint Processing
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Fingerprint Processing course #3999. Show less
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Fingerprint Processing
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA304 Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information will be tied together in a final activity whereby the participant will simulate the collection of a fingerprint from a piece of evidence identified as a difficult surface.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Fingerprint Processing  on Difficult Surfaces course #78051. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information…
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Online LAW Learn More about Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Manufacturing OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Manufacturing OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Manufacturing OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)

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Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW330 Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample questions designed to help students assess areas of weakness where additional study may be needed. Once registered, participants have unlimited access to the site for 90 days.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW360 Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use common math principles to determine volume, capacity, and flow rate within water and wastewater operations.
NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW370 Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for Utilities online course provides students with information specific to the principles of electricity and related work environment safety hazards.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW400 Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an introduction to source, characteristics, production, treatment, disinfection, storage, and distribution of potable water. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify general hazards, demonstrate safety practices, explain basic water chemistry, and utilize mathematics as applied to chemical feeding and other operational problems. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW401 Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of the water cycle and responsibilities of system personnel, including related safety issues and regulations. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to define and describe the concepts of water storage, pumping, and distribution. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of…
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  ITSI Learn More about Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW450 Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment, including an overview of the water cycle. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe the responsibilities of wastewater system personnel, with emphasis on the need for regulation of wastewater discharge to protect receiving streams and public health, safety, and welfare. Participants will also be able to describe Texas rules and regulations for licensing of wastewater system operators. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
Architecture and Construction OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Architecture and Construction OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Architecture and Construction OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Health Science AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Health Science AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Health Science EDO520 Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes. However, anyone at the scene can act as an immediate responder and save lives if they know what to do.

This two-hour course includes a formal presentation and hands-on practice of direct pressure application, wound packing, and use of a tourniquet. The course was developed for a non-medical audience to address the needs of the immediate responder to control life-threatening bleeding until help arrives. Show less

Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is…
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Face-to-Face AD Learn More about Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Health Science PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Information Technology AWR138 Network Assurance
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. This course also includes information on securing cloud-based networks and applications.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting),…
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BCS Learn More about Network Assurance
Information Technology AWR139 Digital Forensics Basics
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find traces of illegal or illicit activities left on disk with computer forensics tools and manual techniques, and how to recover data intentionally hidden or encrypted by perpetrators. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find…
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BCS Learn More about Digital Forensics Basics
Information Technology AWR168 Foundations of Cyber Crimes
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or prevent cyber crimes. This course examines cyber and cyber facilitated non-violent white-collar crimes, fraud and financial crimes, and violent crimes. The broad landscape of the cyber crimes discussed in this course illustrates the fact that almost all crimes can either be directly committed or indirectly facilitated through the cyber domain-a result of society’s increasing integration and dependence on the Internet and computers into nearly every aspect of daily life.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or…
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BCS Learn More about Foundations of Cyber Crimes
Information Technology AWR169 Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with real-world examples and scenarios to help provide knowledge, understanding, and capacity for effective cyber incident analysis and response. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Information Technology AWR173 Information Security Basics
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber threats. In addition to introducing information assurance, students will also learn general concepts, an overview of TCP/IP, introductory network security, introductory operating system security, and basic cryptography. 
As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber…
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BCS Learn More about Information Security Basics
Information Technology AWR174 Cyber Ethics
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As…
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BCS Learn More about Cyber Ethics
Information Technology AWR176 Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a disaster recovery plan Work around procedures  Technical vulnerabilities faced by organizations Legal issues that may confront an organization As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a…
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BCS Learn More about Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Information Technology AWR177 Information Risk Management
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis, risk identification, risk quantification, risk response, security policies and compliance) for better understanding of potential threats and vulnerabilities in business online, and learning to adopt levels of security measures and best practices. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis,…
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BCS Learn More about Information Risk Management
Information Technology AWR178 Secure Software
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network…
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BCS Learn More about Secure Software
Information Technology AWR402 Introduction to Internet of Things
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices, security, and a variety of existing and developing technologies.This course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by TEEX, a partner in the NCPC. The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices,…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Internet of Things
Information Technology AWR403 Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS). Inadequate deployment and maintenance of security on these systems could provide opportunities for attackers to harm to the American citizenry through NCISS infrastructure and associated resource disruption. This online course provides an overview of similarities and differences between traditional systems attacks and APT attacks. At the end of this course, participants should possess a fundamental understanding of the most common attack path for various advanced persistent threats (APTs). The course covers (a) the cyber kill chain model (b) APT cases and attack techniques and tools; and (c) common APT defense strategiesThis course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by the NCPC partner the Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI).  The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS)….
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BCS Learn More about Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA101 Forensic Photography I
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be through lecture, case review, and practical exercises.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Forensic Photography Course #40053.
Participant Testimonials:”I feel much more comfortable and confident with my camera and the knowledge I’ve obtained will help tremendously in the field.””I knew nothing of the camera I came in with other than to shoot in ‘auto’ mode. I can now use the camera correctly and efficiently.” Show less
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Forensic Photography I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA107 Basic Property Technician
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven practices developed by the Texas Association of Property and Evidence Inventory Technicians (TAPEIT). The practices learned in this course may be superseded by your agency departmental policy.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Property Technician Course #40062. Show less
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Property Technician
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA113 Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and investigative functions. From the initial response to case prosecution, officers will learn how to manage a wide variety of common criminal investigations. Emphasis is placed on preparation of affidavits, procurement and execution of search and arrest warrants, interview and interrogation procedures, and rules governing the collection and preservation of evidence. Additionally, participants will learn case preparation techniques and unique aspects of special topic investigations, such as narcotics, property crimes, and crimes against persons.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Criminal Investigation Course #40051.
Participant Testimonials:”This training has helped me to see where I could have done a better job with past cases and prepared me for better case work in the future.” Show less
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA114 Death Investigation (Online)
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various types of human death and the investigator’s role throughout the investigative process.
This course meets the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Death Investigation Course #40059.
Participant Testimonials:”I was recently promoted to investigations and this course will definitely make me more capable of doing my job.””Course material was good and I would really recommend this course to any police officers whether they are new officers or veterans.” Show less
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various…
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Online LAW Learn More about Death Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA115 Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification). Participants will be provided with the history and science of fingerprint analysis and comparison while simulating the role of an expert witness in court.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison course #40063. Show less
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification)….
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA116 Foundations of Forensic Photography
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs at a simulated crime scene, acting in the traditional role of an investigator for the case.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Forensic Photography course #667369. Show less
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Forensic Photography
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA118 Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an understanding of the basic factors that create effective courtroom testimony.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Courtroom Testimony course #40065.This online course, along with the 24-hour Face-to-Face FSA119 Courtroom Testimony Practical Applications, will meet the 40-hour Courtroom Testimony requirement for multiple Texas Forensic Science Academy Certificate Programs. Show less
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA250 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include taking crime scene progression photographs, generating a crime scene sketch, collecting, packaging, and documenting evidence, collecting, comparing, and processing fingerprints, and handling bloodstains at a scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I #78050. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA251 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include advanced photography concepts to include low light and laser photography, advanced print processing techniques, handling difficult, adhesive, and textured surfaces, how to build a mock crime scene, and how students should work through and be evaluated on their performance working through the scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom.. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II #77999. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA300 Investigative Tools and Equipment
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal protection equipment to protect against biological hazards while tying together all information into practical activities. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Tools and Equipment course #667370. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal…
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Online LAW Learn More about Investigative Tools and Equipment
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA301 Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Scene Basics course #2210. Show less
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all…
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Online LAW Learn More about Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA303 Basic Fingerprint Processing
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Fingerprint Processing course #3999. Show less
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Fingerprint Processing
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA304 Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information will be tied together in a final activity whereby the participant will simulate the collection of a fingerprint from a piece of evidence identified as a difficult surface.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Fingerprint Processing  on Difficult Surfaces course #78051. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information…
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Online LAW Learn More about Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Manufacturing OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Manufacturing OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Manufacturing OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)

Support Services for Administrators, Teachers and Staff

During an emergency on a school campus – violence, terrorism or an emergency event – it is the first actions taken by school administrators and teachers that will minimize any potential loss of life. An effective emergency plan is critical to making sure the administration’s actions are easily and correctly conveyed to emergency personnel to improve response time and to immediately protect students and employees. The two-day Emergency Operations Plan Technical Assistance course outlines the necessary guidelines to prepare across all areas of school safety. A variety of other security courses are available to individuals and other public and private sector organizations through TEEX licensing by the Texas Private Security Bureau. As a Class F, Level III, Training School, security courses provide skills to improve safety, security, and community resilience for both public and school safety certification and private security licensing.

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Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW330 Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample questions designed to help students assess areas of weakness where additional study may be needed. Once registered, participants have unlimited access to the site for 90 days.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW360 Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use common math principles to determine volume, capacity, and flow rate within water and wastewater operations.
NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW370 Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for Utilities online course provides students with information specific to the principles of electricity and related work environment safety hazards.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW400 Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an introduction to source, characteristics, production, treatment, disinfection, storage, and distribution of potable water. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify general hazards, demonstrate safety practices, explain basic water chemistry, and utilize mathematics as applied to chemical feeding and other operational problems. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW401 Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of the water cycle and responsibilities of system personnel, including related safety issues and regulations. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to define and describe the concepts of water storage, pumping, and distribution. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of…
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  ITSI Learn More about Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW450 Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment, including an overview of the water cycle. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe the responsibilities of wastewater system personnel, with emphasis on the need for regulation of wastewater discharge to protect receiving streams and public health, safety, and welfare. Participants will also be able to describe Texas rules and regulations for licensing of wastewater system operators. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
Architecture and Construction OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Architecture and Construction OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Architecture and Construction OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Health Science AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Health Science AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Health Science EDO520 Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes. However, anyone at the scene can act as an immediate responder and save lives if they know what to do.

This two-hour course includes a formal presentation and hands-on practice of direct pressure application, wound packing, and use of a tourniquet. The course was developed for a non-medical audience to address the needs of the immediate responder to control life-threatening bleeding until help arrives. Show less

Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is…
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Face-to-Face AD Learn More about Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Health Science PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Information Technology AWR138 Network Assurance
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. This course also includes information on securing cloud-based networks and applications.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting),…
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BCS Learn More about Network Assurance
Information Technology AWR139 Digital Forensics Basics
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find traces of illegal or illicit activities left on disk with computer forensics tools and manual techniques, and how to recover data intentionally hidden or encrypted by perpetrators. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find…
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BCS Learn More about Digital Forensics Basics
Information Technology AWR168 Foundations of Cyber Crimes
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or prevent cyber crimes. This course examines cyber and cyber facilitated non-violent white-collar crimes, fraud and financial crimes, and violent crimes. The broad landscape of the cyber crimes discussed in this course illustrates the fact that almost all crimes can either be directly committed or indirectly facilitated through the cyber domain-a result of society’s increasing integration and dependence on the Internet and computers into nearly every aspect of daily life.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or…
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BCS Learn More about Foundations of Cyber Crimes
Information Technology AWR169 Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with real-world examples and scenarios to help provide knowledge, understanding, and capacity for effective cyber incident analysis and response. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Information Technology AWR173 Information Security Basics
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber threats. In addition to introducing information assurance, students will also learn general concepts, an overview of TCP/IP, introductory network security, introductory operating system security, and basic cryptography. 
As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber…
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BCS Learn More about Information Security Basics
Information Technology AWR174 Cyber Ethics
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As…
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BCS Learn More about Cyber Ethics
Information Technology AWR176 Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a disaster recovery plan Work around procedures  Technical vulnerabilities faced by organizations Legal issues that may confront an organization As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a…
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BCS Learn More about Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Information Technology AWR177 Information Risk Management
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis, risk identification, risk quantification, risk response, security policies and compliance) for better understanding of potential threats and vulnerabilities in business online, and learning to adopt levels of security measures and best practices. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis,…
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BCS Learn More about Information Risk Management
Information Technology AWR178 Secure Software
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network…
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BCS Learn More about Secure Software
Information Technology AWR402 Introduction to Internet of Things
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices, security, and a variety of existing and developing technologies.This course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by TEEX, a partner in the NCPC. The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices,…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Internet of Things
Information Technology AWR403 Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS). Inadequate deployment and maintenance of security on these systems could provide opportunities for attackers to harm to the American citizenry through NCISS infrastructure and associated resource disruption. This online course provides an overview of similarities and differences between traditional systems attacks and APT attacks. At the end of this course, participants should possess a fundamental understanding of the most common attack path for various advanced persistent threats (APTs). The course covers (a) the cyber kill chain model (b) APT cases and attack techniques and tools; and (c) common APT defense strategiesThis course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by the NCPC partner the Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI).  The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS)….
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BCS Learn More about Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA101 Forensic Photography I
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be through lecture, case review, and practical exercises.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Forensic Photography Course #40053.
Participant Testimonials:”I feel much more comfortable and confident with my camera and the knowledge I’ve obtained will help tremendously in the field.””I knew nothing of the camera I came in with other than to shoot in ‘auto’ mode. I can now use the camera correctly and efficiently.” Show less
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Forensic Photography I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA107 Basic Property Technician
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven practices developed by the Texas Association of Property and Evidence Inventory Technicians (TAPEIT). The practices learned in this course may be superseded by your agency departmental policy.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Property Technician Course #40062. Show less
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Property Technician
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA113 Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and investigative functions. From the initial response to case prosecution, officers will learn how to manage a wide variety of common criminal investigations. Emphasis is placed on preparation of affidavits, procurement and execution of search and arrest warrants, interview and interrogation procedures, and rules governing the collection and preservation of evidence. Additionally, participants will learn case preparation techniques and unique aspects of special topic investigations, such as narcotics, property crimes, and crimes against persons.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Criminal Investigation Course #40051.
Participant Testimonials:”This training has helped me to see where I could have done a better job with past cases and prepared me for better case work in the future.” Show less
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA114 Death Investigation (Online)
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various types of human death and the investigator’s role throughout the investigative process.
This course meets the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Death Investigation Course #40059.
Participant Testimonials:”I was recently promoted to investigations and this course will definitely make me more capable of doing my job.””Course material was good and I would really recommend this course to any police officers whether they are new officers or veterans.” Show less
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various…
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Online LAW Learn More about Death Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA115 Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification). Participants will be provided with the history and science of fingerprint analysis and comparison while simulating the role of an expert witness in court.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison course #40063. Show less
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification)….
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA116 Foundations of Forensic Photography
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs at a simulated crime scene, acting in the traditional role of an investigator for the case.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Forensic Photography course #667369. Show less
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Forensic Photography
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA118 Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an understanding of the basic factors that create effective courtroom testimony.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Courtroom Testimony course #40065.This online course, along with the 24-hour Face-to-Face FSA119 Courtroom Testimony Practical Applications, will meet the 40-hour Courtroom Testimony requirement for multiple Texas Forensic Science Academy Certificate Programs. Show less
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA250 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include taking crime scene progression photographs, generating a crime scene sketch, collecting, packaging, and documenting evidence, collecting, comparing, and processing fingerprints, and handling bloodstains at a scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I #78050. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA251 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include advanced photography concepts to include low light and laser photography, advanced print processing techniques, handling difficult, adhesive, and textured surfaces, how to build a mock crime scene, and how students should work through and be evaluated on their performance working through the scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom.. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II #77999. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA300 Investigative Tools and Equipment
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal protection equipment to protect against biological hazards while tying together all information into practical activities. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Tools and Equipment course #667370. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal…
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Online LAW Learn More about Investigative Tools and Equipment
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA301 Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Scene Basics course #2210. Show less
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all…
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Online LAW Learn More about Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA303 Basic Fingerprint Processing
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Fingerprint Processing course #3999. Show less
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Fingerprint Processing
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA304 Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information will be tied together in a final activity whereby the participant will simulate the collection of a fingerprint from a piece of evidence identified as a difficult surface.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Fingerprint Processing  on Difficult Surfaces course #78051. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information…
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Online LAW Learn More about Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Manufacturing OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Manufacturing OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Manufacturing OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Transportation, Distribution and Logistics OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
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Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW330 Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample questions designed to help students assess areas of weakness where additional study may be needed. Once registered, participants have unlimited access to the site for 90 days.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course DOES NOT fulfill any Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) licensing credit hours.The Water Operator Test Preparation online review provides prospective operators with an aid to help pass the licensing exam. The review covers a large variety of sample…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Water Operator Test Preparation (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW360 Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use common math principles to determine volume, capacity, and flow rate within water and wastewater operations.
NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Applied Math – Hydraulics online course demonstrates how to use…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Applied Math – Hydraulics (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW370 Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for Utilities online course provides students with information specific to the principles of electricity and related work environment safety hazards.

NOTE: Once registered, participants will receive a confirmation email, a password for access to the course, and a required completion date. Show less

**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 2 credit hours in the following operator license area(s):- On-Site Sewage Facilities Operator License- Wastewater Operator License- Water Operator LicenseThe Electrical Safety for…
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Online ITSI Learn More about Electrical Safety for Utilities Personnel (Online)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW400 Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an introduction to source, characteristics, production, treatment, disinfection, storage, and distribution of potable water. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to identify general hazards, demonstrate safety practices, explain basic water chemistry, and utilize mathematics as applied to chemical feeding and other operational problems. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Basic Water Works Operations correspondence course provides participants with an…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Water Works Operations (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW401 Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of the water cycle and responsibilities of system personnel, including related safety issues and regulations. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to define and describe the concepts of water storage, pumping, and distribution. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production correspondence course provides participants with a basic review of…
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  ITSI Learn More about Groundwater Production (Correspondence)
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources WWW450 Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment, including an overview of the water cycle. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to describe the responsibilities of wastewater system personnel, with emphasis on the need for regulation of wastewater discharge to protect receiving streams and public health, safety, and welfare. Participants will also be able to describe Texas rules and regulations for licensing of wastewater system operators. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseBasic Wastewater Operations correspondence course participants receive an introduction to…
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  ITSI Learn More about Basic Wastewater Operations (Correspondence)
Architecture and Construction OSH500 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA Construction Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized Outreach trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA Construction Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) Standards for the Construction Industry course is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health Outreach Training Program to their employees and other interested groups. Using OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, Construction (OSHA #500)
Architecture and Construction OSH502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain construction industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH502) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry and are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #502)
Architecture and Construction OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Emergency Response AWR167 Sport and Special Event Risk Management and Planning
The purpose of this course is to develop capabilities for multi-agency collaboration pertaining to sport and special event safety and
security. Through activity-based training modules, participants will enhance
their ability for planning, risk assessment, training, and exercising practices
specific to conducting sport and special events. The expectation is for
participants to return to their respective organizations and coordinate the
development of a sport and/or special event risk management and planning
process.This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for AWR-167 Sport and Special Event Risk Management and Planning course #78399. Show less
The purpose of this course is to develop capabilities for multi-agency collaboration pertaining to sport and special event safety and
security. Through activity-based training modules, participants will enhance
their ability for planning, risk assessment, training, and exercising…
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LAW Learn More about Sport and Special Event Risk Management and Planning
Emergency Response AWR213 Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness
This course will introduce participants to the key terms, policy, guidance, and preparedness efforts required to safeguard the Nation’s critical infrastructure. Participants will discuss the risk management framework, describe Federal critical infrastructure security and resilience and information sharing programs, and relate critical infrastructure programs to individual actions. Focus will be placed on local preparedness efforts as they relate to the national approach to critical infrastructure security and resilience, enabling stakeholders to address local planning within a common framework. Informed planning is consistent with accepted emergency management standards as the basis for planning across the mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.Individuals completing this course in combination with MGT310, MGT315, MGT414, and MGT452 are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for AWR213 Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness course #78408. Show less
This course will introduce participants to the key terms, policy, guidance, and preparedness efforts required to safeguard the Nation’s critical infrastructure. Participants will discuss the risk management framework, describe Federal critical infrastructure security and resilience and…
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LAW Learn More about Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Awareness
Emergency Response EDO520 Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes. However, anyone at the scene can act as an immediate responder and save lives if they know what to do.

This two-hour course includes a formal presentation and hands-on practice of direct pressure application, wound packing, and use of a tourniquet. The course was developed for a non-medical audience to address the needs of the immediate responder to control life-threatening bleeding until help arrives. Show less

Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is…
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Face-to-Face AD Learn More about Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Emergency Response LET221 Active Attack Event Response Leadership
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift response to these threats.The goal of this online course is to provide leaders in first response and emergency management agencies with strategic leadership and integrated response strategies that will prepare them to not only “stop the killing” but to also “stop the dying” in active attack events. Participants will also be able to recognize the need to prepare their communities for an active shooter attack and use this as an opportunity for positive outreach and community interactions.This course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT). This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #667371. Show less
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift…
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Online LAW Learn More about Active Attack Event Response Leadership
Emergency Response LET222 Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift response to these threats. Research has shown, however, that many of the mass attacks, or active attack events, are over before law enforcement responders arrive on the scene.Civilians who find themselves embroiled in such an event must be prepared to take immediate action to save their own lives before law enforcement arrives. The average response time for police response to an active attack event is three minutes. Without effective, pre-planned response options for civilians at the scene of the attack, many victims can be seriously injured or killed during these three minutes. This online course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) to provide first responders and other professionals with a model response program they can deliver to civilians within their communities. May also be referred to as Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Train-the-Trainer (CRASE).This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #3364. Show less
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift…
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Online LAW Learn More about Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor
Emergency Response LET223 Active Attack Emergency Communications
Available Online – Free! Over the past twenty years, active attack response training has focused on training law enforcement to arrive quickly on scene and engage violent suspects. In recent years that focus has shifted to the fire and EMS community with the introduction of different casualty evacuation models. This online course expands the focus to include another vital part of the community response team: telecommunicators.Each link in this survival chain is important. Our response system must move through the chain as quickly as possible, even with the myriad of variables that can make it difficult. What saves lives in these events is rapid stabilization and transport to definitive care. Telecommunicators, are uniquely positioned to help speed the team towards this goal. This course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) to provide telecommunicators, first responders, and other professionals with information on effective dispatching to better prepare them to save lives and reduce chaos in an active attack event. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #78052. Show less
Available Online – Free! Over the past twenty years, active attack response training has focused on training law enforcement to arrive quickly on scene and engage violent suspects. In recent years that focus has shifted to the fire and EMS community with the introduction of different casualty…
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Online LAW Learn More about Active Attack Emergency Communications
Emergency Response MGT304 Sport and Special Event Staff Training and Development
This course is designed to provide participants with tools and methodologies for training and developing stakeholders assigned to and responsible for public safety at sporting and special events through comprehensively reviewing safety and security staffing challenges, whole community training requirements, and the management and continuous improvement of sport and special event training programs. The training is applicable across the United States regardless of the venue size, capacity, or type of event.This course was developed in a partnership effort between the University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC). Show less
This course is designed to provide participants with tools and methodologies for training and developing stakeholders assigned to and responsible for public safety at sporting and special events through comprehensively reviewing safety and security staffing challenges, whole community training…
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NERRTC Learn More about Sport and Special Event Staff Training and Development
Emergency Response MGT307 Enterprise Risk Management: A Collaborative Community Mitigation Effort
This course introduces enterprise risk management (ERM) to organizations by providing a structured and comprehensive approach to identifying, assessing, managing, and mitigating risks that can impact the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives. Given the complexity of risks faced by higher education institutions, specialized ERM training is essential. This training equips staff and administrators with the skills to implement effective risk management strategies tailored to the education sector. ERM allows organizations to view risk holistically, considering all potential risks across different areas of the business. This approach helps organizations identify interdependencies between risks and make informed decisions that take into account the broader impact on the organization’s goals.Successful completion of the course will provide community leaders and first responders with the ability to conduct an annual risk assessment.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for course #7821. Show less
This course introduces enterprise risk management (ERM) to organizations by providing a structured and comprehensive approach to identifying, assessing, managing, and mitigating risks that can impact the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives. Given the complexity of risks faced…
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LAW Learn More about Enterprise Risk Management: A Collaborative Community Mitigation Effort
Emergency Response MGT361 Crisis Management Affecting Institutions of Higher Education: A Collaborative
Is your campus prepared? This course trains higher education campus and community members, and others involved in crisis management duties and responsibilities to effectively manage a crisis by applying a whole community approach. Risk management strategies, effective crisis communication, and a series of well-developed plans as described in the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) are emphasized. The course utilizes case studies and activities to aid participants in recognizing potential gaps in their current crisis management program and concludes with a practical application, simulated role-play exercise.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT361 Managing Critical Incidents Higher Education course #78402. Show less
Is your campus prepared? This course trains higher education campus and community members, and others involved in crisis management duties and responsibilities to effectively manage a crisis by applying a whole community approach. Risk management strategies, effective crisis communication, and…
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LAW Learn More about Crisis Management Affecting Institutions of Higher Education: A Collaborative
Emergency Response MGT404 Sports and Special Events Incident Management
This course emphasizes the unique aspects of response to an incident occurring during a sports/special event, including considerations for business continuity and after-action activities. You will learn the skills necessary to effectively manage an incident by applying and implementing a multi-disciplinary management team approach as described in the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
The course is designed to help develop athletic department staff, facility management personnel, campus public safety personnel, emergency response supervisors, and others involved in sports/special event management to better manage incidents that could occur during an event. 
At the end of the course a practical application exercise can be customized to your facility where the course is held.
This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC). Show less
This course emphasizes the unique aspects of response to an incident occurring during a sports/special event, including considerations for business continuity and after-action activities. You will learn the skills necessary to effectively manage an incident by applying and implementing a…
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ESTI Learn More about Sports and Special Events Incident Management
Emergency Response MGT412 Sport and Special Event Evacuation and Protective Actions
This course provides assistance to sport venue managers to prepare and/or enhance an evacuation plan to assist emergency responders in implementing flexible and scalable evacuation activities (i.e. evacuation, sheltering in place, or relocation). These emergency activities might occur in isolation or as a result of a larger, multi-entity response initiative. The course is highly innovative in that it builds multi-agency collaboration by delivering critical evacuation planning information.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT412 Sport and Special Event Evacuation Training course #78405. Show less
This course provides assistance to sport venue managers to prepare and/or enhance an evacuation plan to assist emergency responders in implementing flexible and scalable evacuation activities (i.e. evacuation, sheltering in place, or relocation). These emergency activities might occur in…
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LAW Learn More about Sport and Special Event Evacuation and Protective Actions
Emergency Response MGT414 Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Community Lifelines
In this course participants will learn how to develop a roadmap for progress toward the National Preparedness Goal by facilitating the development of resilience considerations and involving essential community critical infrastructure partners. Participants will learn how to formulate considerations for the resilience of community assets that leverage cross-sector partnerships. These considerations enhance the whole community’s ability to manage the risk associated with critical infrastructure protection efforts. Participants will have an opportunity to practice the practical skills necessary to formulate considerations in the local community.Individuals completing this course in combination with AWR213, MGT310, MGT315, and MGT452 are awarded the TEEX Infrastructure Protection Certificate.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT414 Advanced Critical Infrastructure Protection course #78400. Show less
In this course participants will learn how to develop a roadmap for progress toward the National Preparedness Goal by facilitating the development of resilience considerations and involving essential community critical infrastructure partners. Participants will learn how to formulate…
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LAW Learn More about Critical Infrastructure Resilience and Community Lifelines
Emergency Response MGT440 Enhanced Sports and Special Events Incident Management
This scenario-based course provides the opportunity to learn and implement policy-level decision-making and incident management alongside industry experts during multiple simulated events. These All-Hazard, simulation-supported emergency response exercises are designed to hone individual and team skills through the perspective of the Incident Command Post, Emergency Operations Center (EOC), and Policy Group. The course uses a multi-disciplinary, team-building approach designed to give participants the skills to safely manage an expanding incident, whether natural, human-caused, or technological, within the context of sports and special events.This course represents a cooperative effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service’s National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (TEEX/NERRTC), a member of the Texas A&M University System Show less
This scenario-based course provides the opportunity to learn and implement policy-level decision-making and incident management alongside industry experts during multiple simulated events. These All-Hazard, simulation-supported emergency response exercises are designed to hone individual and…
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ESTI Learn More about Enhanced Sports and Special Events Incident Management
Emergency Response MGT466 Sport and Special Event Enhanced Risk Management and Assessment
This course provides participants with tools and methodologies for conducting venue-specific and event-specific risk assessments. In the course, participants will utilize assessment outputs to make risk mitigation decisions and determine how to measure the effectiveness of decision-making. This innovative training will introduce methodologies designed to complement and expand on national critical infrastructure framework guidelines. The interdisciplinary course stresses the importance of leveraging and applying proven practices to a wide-range of sport and special event safety and security risks.
This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT466 course #78054. Show less
This course provides participants with tools and methodologies for conducting venue-specific and event-specific risk assessments. In the course, participants will utilize assessment outputs to make risk mitigation decisions and determine how to measure the effectiveness of decision-making….
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NERRTC Learn More about Sport and Special Event Enhanced Risk Management and Assessment
Emergency Response MGT467 Sport and Special Event Public Information and Emergency Notification
Techniques used to deliver timely and accurate information in a complex information environment is challenging to any community or organization hosting a mass gathering. This interdisciplinary course brings planners, operators, communication, government, public safety, marketing and public relations professionals together to prepare and/or enhance venue and event communication programs. The course prepares participants to identify and navigate the sport and special event communication landscape before, during, and after an incident.This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for MGT467 course #78055. Show less
Techniques used to deliver timely and accurate information in a complex information environment is challenging to any community or organization hosting a mass gathering. This interdisciplinary course brings planners, operators, communication, government, public safety, marketing and public…
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NERRTC Learn More about Sport and Special Event Public Information and Emergency Notification
Emergency Response MGT475 Crowd Management for Sport and Special Events
This course is designed to provide participants with tools and techniques for conducting crowd management and crowd control. Participants will engage in scenario-based activities designed to expand their ability to resolve risks related to crowd management and crowd control. The training is applicable across the United States regardless of the venue size, capacity, or type of event.This course was developed in a partnership effort between the University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC). Show less
This course is designed to provide participants with tools and techniques for conducting crowd management and crowd control. Participants will engage in scenario-based activities designed to expand their ability to resolve risks related to crowd management and crowd control. The training is…
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NERRTC Learn More about Crowd Management for Sport and Special Events
Emergency Response PRT256 MEDIC First Aid and CPR Instructor
The Medic First Aid and CPR Instructor course will qualify attendees to provide training in the application and use of First Aid, CPR, and Automated External Defibrillators on both adults and children in addition to providing information on preventing disease from blood borne pathogens. Participants will be provided all materials needed for instruction and will be taught to use lifesaving skills to include the proper use of CPR and first aid procedures. Show less
The Medic First Aid and CPR Instructor course will qualify attendees to provide training in the application and use of First Aid, CPR, and Automated External Defibrillators on both adults and children in addition to providing information on preventing disease from blood borne pathogens….
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Face-to-Face ITSI Learn More about MEDIC First Aid and CPR Instructor
Facility Operations and Maintenance OSH510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special emphasis on those areas in construction which are most hazardous. Upon course completion students will have the ability to define construction terms found in the OSHA Construction Standards, identify hazards which occur in the construction industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA Construction Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of the OSHA Construction Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry (OSHA #510) covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in the construction industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA Construction Standards, construction safety and health principles, and special…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Ind. (OSHA #510)
Facility Operations and Maintenance OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
Facility Operations and Maintenance OSH750 Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500)
OSH750 Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500) covers the effective implementation of a company’s safety and health management system. The course addresses the core elements of an effective safety and health management system and those central issues that are critical to each element’s proper management. This course is an interactive training session focusing on class discussion and workshops.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
OSH750 Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500) covers the effective implementation of a company’s safety and health management system. The course addresses the core elements of an effective safety and health management system and those central issues that are critical to each…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Introduction to Safety and Health Management (OSHA #7500)
Facility Operations and Maintenance WWW001 Basic Water Works Operations
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator LicenseBasic Water Works Operations is designed to provide an overview of water utility system responsibilities, public relations, water quality, production, disinfection, distribution, and water utility safety. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator LicenseBasic Water Works Operations is designed to provide an overview of water utility system…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Basic Water Works Operations
Facility Operations and Maintenance WWW002 Groundwater Production
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production course introduces participants to the origins and sources of groundwater, its physical and chemical characteristics as well as  treatment protocols. In addition to these topics, students will discuss considerations for well location, construction issues, and factors related to spring-fed systems versus aquifers. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Water Operator License
The Groundwater Production course introduces participants to the origins and sources of…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Groundwater Production
Facility Operations and Maintenance WWW101 Basic Wastewater Operations
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseThe Basic Wastewater Operations course provides participants with an introduction to wastewater collection and treatment along with a brief review of the water cycle. The course covers sources and pretreatment of domestic waste as well as characteristics of wastewater. Experienced trainers guide the class through best practices and related standards utilizing classroom discussion and cover all associated laws specific to wastewater. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator LicenseThe Basic Wastewater Operations course provides participants with an introduction to…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Basic Wastewater Operations
Facility Operations and Maintenance WWW102 Wastewater Treatment
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Wastewater Treatment course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining wastewater treatment plants, emphasizing the use of safe practices and procedures. In addition to the information provided about state requirements, participants will learn about the composition and characteristics of wastewater, secondary treatment processes, disinfection of wastewater, and laboratory controls. Show less
**PLEASE NOTE** This course has been approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to fulfill 20 credit hours in the following operator license area(s): – Wastewater Operator License
The Wastewater Treatment course covers practical aspects of operating and maintaining…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Wastewater Treatment
Health Science AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Health Science AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Health Science EDO520 Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is delayed can result in death. Similar to how the general public learns and performs CPR, the public must learn proper bleeding control techniques, including how to use their hands, dressings, and tourniquets. Victims can quickly die from uncontrolled bleeding, within five to 10 minutes. However, anyone at the scene can act as an immediate responder and save lives if they know what to do.

This two-hour course includes a formal presentation and hands-on practice of direct pressure application, wound packing, and use of a tourniquet. The course was developed for a non-medical audience to address the needs of the immediate responder to control life-threatening bleeding until help arrives. Show less

Today we live in a world where terrorism, the actions of unstable people, and the dangerous impulses of friends and relatives are very real and becoming increasingly more frequent.

Massive bleeding from any cause, but particularly from an active shooter or explosive event where a response is…
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Face-to-Face AD Learn More about Bleeding Control Basics v2.0
Health Science PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Information Technology AWR138 Network Assurance
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. This course also includes information on securing cloud-based networks and applications.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Network Assurance covers secure network practices necessary to protect networked systems against attacks and exploits. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting),…
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BCS Learn More about Network Assurance
Information Technology AWR139 Digital Forensics Basics
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find traces of illegal or illicit activities left on disk with computer forensics tools and manual techniques, and how to recover data intentionally hidden or encrypted by perpetrators. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers investigative methods and standards for the acquisition, extraction, preservation, analysis and deposition of digital evidence from storage devices. This course offers a wide array of forensics situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn how to find…
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BCS Learn More about Digital Forensics Basics
Information Technology AWR168 Foundations of Cyber Crimes
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or prevent cyber crimes. This course examines cyber and cyber facilitated non-violent white-collar crimes, fraud and financial crimes, and violent crimes. The broad landscape of the cyber crimes discussed in this course illustrates the fact that almost all crimes can either be directly committed or indirectly facilitated through the cyber domain-a result of society’s increasing integration and dependence on the Internet and computers into nearly every aspect of daily life.As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Foundations of Cyber Crimes highlights a range of cyber crimes and the appropriate response by first responders and other local, state, and federal agencies that may encounter them. Participants will identify legislative, organizational, and suggested personal efforts to control or…
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BCS Learn More about Foundations of Cyber Crimes
Information Technology AWR169 Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with real-world examples and scenarios to help provide knowledge, understanding, and capacity for effective cyber incident analysis and response. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Introduction to Cyber Incident Management provides practical guidelines on responding to incidents effectively and efficiently as part of an incident response program. Primary topics include detecting, analyzing, prioritizing, and handling cyber incidents. Participants will be presented with…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Cyber Incident Management
Information Technology AWR173 Information Security Basics
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber threats. In addition to introducing information assurance, students will also learn general concepts, an overview of TCP/IP, introductory network security, introductory operating system security, and basic cryptography. 
As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 Information Security Basics is designed to teach entry and mid-level IT workers the technological fundamentals of information security. The goal of this course is to provide students with some preliminary knowledge of computer security to help in identifying and stopping various cyber…
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BCS Learn More about Information Security Basics
Information Technology AWR174 Cyber Ethics
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
 This course covers standards and best practices for ethical computing. This course offers a wide array of situations that are applicable to the real world. Students will learn about privacy, intellectual property, professional practices, freedom of speech, and ethical hacking.? As…
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BCS Learn More about Cyber Ethics
Information Technology AWR176 Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a disaster recovery plan Work around procedures  Technical vulnerabilities faced by organizations Legal issues that may confront an organization As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
Disaster Recovery for Information Systems is designed to teach business managers principles and practices of disaster recovery planning including: Overview of business continuity and disaster recovery planning Planning process and strategies Implementation and management of a…
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BCS Learn More about Disaster Recovery for Information Systems
Information Technology AWR177 Information Risk Management
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis, risk identification, risk quantification, risk response, security policies and compliance) for better understanding of potential threats and vulnerabilities in business online, and learning to adopt levels of security measures and best practices. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This is an intermediate level course covering topics on information assets, identifying risks, and management processes highlighting best principles and practices. It will provide training in information risk-related tools and technologies (such as asset evaluation, business impact analysis,…
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BCS Learn More about Information Risk Management
Information Technology AWR178 Secure Software
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network security administration topics include firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention, common cryptographic ciphers, AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), server and client security, and secure policy generation. As part of a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA) cooperative agreement training program, this course is available at no direct cost to state, county, and local government agencies. Show less
This course covers secure programming practices necessary to secure applications against attacks and exploits. Topics covered include fundamental concepts of secure software development, defensive programming techniques, secure design and testing, and secure development methodologies. Network…
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BCS Learn More about Secure Software
Information Technology AWR402 Introduction to Internet of Things
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices, security, and a variety of existing and developing technologies.This course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by TEEX, a partner in the NCPC. The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of the history, definitions, and components that make up the Internet of Things (IoT). This course addresses the different applications of IoT as well as applicable laws and policies, technologies, emerging threats, best practices,…
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BCS Learn More about Introduction to Internet of Things
Information Technology AWR403 Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS). Inadequate deployment and maintenance of security on these systems could provide opportunities for attackers to harm to the American citizenry through NCISS infrastructure and associated resource disruption. This online course provides an overview of similarities and differences between traditional systems attacks and APT attacks. At the end of this course, participants should possess a fundamental understanding of the most common attack path for various advanced persistent threats (APTs). The course covers (a) the cyber kill chain model (b) APT cases and attack techniques and tools; and (c) common APT defense strategiesThis course is offered by the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC) and was developed by the NCPC partner the Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI).  The course is funded through the DHS/FEMA Homeland Security National Training Program and is offered at no cost. Show less
Today’s advanced persistent threats (APTs) are increasingly sophisticated, varied, targeted, aggressive, and successful. There is an increasing deployment of and dependence on Internet of Things (IoT) for remote access devices to National Critical Infrastructure Sectors and Services (NCISS)….
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BCS Learn More about Examining Advanced Persistent Threats
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR111 Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the web-based Basic Emergency Medical Services Concepts for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) course. AWR111-W can be completed by someone initially seeking information about this topic or by a health care provider wanting to enhance their knowledge concerning CBRNE events. Show less
Is it natural or weaponized? Exposure or contamination, what’s the difference? Why did everyone in the room become sick? Where does Emergency Medical Services (EMS) fit into the Incident Command System (ICS) tree?
Learn the answers to these questions and more by taking the…
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ESTI Learn More about Internet-Basic EMS Concepts for CBRNE Events
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security AWR314 Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and federal resources and capabilities that may exist to help provide post-exposure prophylaxis for a large population in response to a catastrophic CBRNE or other public health event. It also reviews actions taken by a local jurisdiction during a public health emergency that require response at the local level and deployment of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). Show less
The Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies course is a web-based course that enhances community preparedness by providing awareness-level training on the roles and responsibilities of the local public health community and its partners. The course covers local and…
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ESTI Learn More about Medical Countermeasures Awareness for Public Health Emergencies
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA101 Forensic Photography I
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be through lecture, case review, and practical exercises.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Forensic Photography Course #40053.
Participant Testimonials:”I feel much more comfortable and confident with my camera and the knowledge I’ve obtained will help tremendously in the field.””I knew nothing of the camera I came in with other than to shoot in ‘auto’ mode. I can now use the camera correctly and efficiently.” Show less
Capturing evidence and documenting the crime scene through skilled photography techniques is crucial to a proper criminal investigation. This course will address the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional crime scene documentation. Course instruction will be…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Forensic Photography I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA107 Basic Property Technician
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven practices developed by the Texas Association of Property and Evidence Inventory Technicians (TAPEIT). The practices learned in this course may be superseded by your agency departmental policy.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Property Technician Course #40062. Show less
Collecting and storing evidence is a crucial aspect of an investigation. This online course will teach participants how to properly manage and store property and evidence for investigative purposes. Participants will also complete interactive scenarios by applying Texas law and proven…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Property Technician
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA113 Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and investigative functions. From the initial response to case prosecution, officers will learn how to manage a wide variety of common criminal investigations. Emphasis is placed on preparation of affidavits, procurement and execution of search and arrest warrants, interview and interrogation procedures, and rules governing the collection and preservation of evidence. Additionally, participants will learn case preparation techniques and unique aspects of special topic investigations, such as narcotics, property crimes, and crimes against persons.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Criminal Investigation Course #40051.
Participant Testimonials:”This training has helped me to see where I could have done a better job with past cases and prepared me for better case work in the future.” Show less
This online course prepares participants for their transition from a traditional patrol/traffic function to an investigative position, such as a detective. The Basic Criminal Investigation course is also appropriate for those agencies that require officers to perform both patrol and…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Criminal Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA114 Death Investigation (Online)
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various types of human death and the investigator’s role throughout the investigative process.
This course meets the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements Texas Forensic Science Academy Death Investigation Course #40059.
Participant Testimonials:”I was recently promoted to investigations and this course will definitely make me more capable of doing my job.””Course material was good and I would really recommend this course to any police officers whether they are new officers or veterans.” Show less
From the moment a human body is discovered, there are many potential causes, factors, and circumstances that must be considered in completing a thorough criminal investigation and potential prosecution.  This online course addresses the procedures for conducting investigations of various…
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Online LAW Learn More about Death Investigation (Online)
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA115 Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification). Participants will be provided with the history and science of fingerprint analysis and comparison while simulating the role of an expert witness in court.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison course #40063. Show less
Identification of suspects through fingerprint comparison is critical for many investigators. This online course teaches participants the fundamental principles of fingerprint comparison while guiding them through the ACE-V Methodology (Analysis, Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification)….
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Fingerprint Comparison
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA116 Foundations of Forensic Photography
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs at a simulated crime scene, acting in the traditional role of an investigator for the case.
This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Foundations of Forensic Photography course #667369. Show less
Photography is a critical element in the documentation of criminal investigations. This online course addresses the basic concepts of photography and their application to professional investigative documentation. For the final project, participants have the opportunity to capture photographs…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Forensic Photography
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA118 Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an understanding of the basic factors that create effective courtroom testimony.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Courtroom Testimony course #40065.This online course, along with the 24-hour Face-to-Face FSA119 Courtroom Testimony Practical Applications, will meet the 40-hour Courtroom Testimony requirement for multiple Texas Forensic Science Academy Certificate Programs. Show less
Those who conduct investigations or deal with evidence are expected to testify as expert witnesses. This means they must establish credibility the moment they enter the courtroom and proceed to the witness stand to present their testimony. This online course provides participants with an…
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Online LAW Learn More about Foundations of Courtroom Testimony
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA250 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include taking crime scene progression photographs, generating a crime scene sketch, collecting, packaging, and documenting evidence, collecting, comparing, and processing fingerprints, and handling bloodstains at a scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I #78050. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that presents new skills to less experienced educators and enhances the skills of the more experienced. Instruction will be on the core concepts and…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase I
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA251 Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced concepts and methodologies utilized at a crime scene to include advanced photography concepts to include low light and laser photography, advanced print processing techniques, handling difficult, adhesive, and textured surfaces, how to build a mock crime scene, and how students should work through and be evaluated on their performance working through the scene. Skills demonstration, coupled with discussion and implementation strategies for the K-12 classroom facilitation of activities, provides participants with the most current field-based methodologies to best incorporate the concepts within their classroom.. This professional development opportunity aligns with TEKS objectives. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy TEEX Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II #77999. Show less
This unique course developed for forensic and criminal justice educators provides participants with a hands-on, application-driven training event that expands upon the concepts learned in Crime Scene Processes and Field Skills Phase I. Instruction will be on the progressively more advanced…
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Face-to-Face LAW Learn More about Crime Scene Processes & Field Skills – Phase II
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA300 Investigative Tools and Equipment
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal protection equipment to protect against biological hazards while tying together all information into practical activities. This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Tools and Equipment course #667370. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper tools and equipment used by different law enforcement personnel. Participants will learn about the twelve different equipment categories, how to properly clean and store equipment, and how to use personal…
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Online LAW Learn More about Investigative Tools and Equipment
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA301 Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Scene Basics course #2210. Show less
This online course prepares participants to establish and secure scene boundaries, utilize proper search methods, and scene documentation. Participants will learn case documentation techniques, such as note taking, videography, photography, sketches, and reports while tying together all…
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Online LAW Learn More about Scene Basics: Security, Searches, and Documentation
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA303 Basic Fingerprint Processing
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Basic Fingerprint Processing course #3999. Show less
This online course prepares participants for basic fingerprint processing. Participants will learn about the powders, brushes, tape, and cards used for developing prints, and how to locate, process, and document prints while tying together all information into practical activities.This course…
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Online LAW Learn More about Basic Fingerprint Processing
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security FSA304 Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information will be tied together in a final activity whereby the participant will simulate the collection of a fingerprint from a piece of evidence identified as a difficult surface.This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Texas Forensic Science Academy Fingerprint Processing  on Difficult Surfaces course #78051. Show less
This online course prepares participants to be able to identify and select proper fingerprint processing techniques for difficult surfaces encountered in the field. Participants will learn about the three types of difficult surfaces and the associated processing techniques. All information…
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Online LAW Learn More about Fingerprint Processing on Difficult Surfaces
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security PER334 Disaster Preparedness and Survival
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic behind the decision to evacuate or shelter in place and what to do once they make it. This course follows a “me, we, they” approach to prepare participants to care for themselves, their families, and their communities before, during, and after a disaster. Through a combination of facilitated discussions and hands-on activities based on real-life scenarios, the instructors will demonstrate how planning, preparedness, and responsible actions may increase the chances of both surviving a disaster and recovering from it more quickly. Show less
The Disaster Preparedness and Survival course is designed to prepare individuals and families how to prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.  When facing a disaster our choice often comes down to stay at home or evacuate.  In this course participants will learn the logic…
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ESTI Learn More about Disaster Preparedness and Survival
Manufacturing OSH501 Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA General Industry Standards as a guide, special emphasis is placed on those topics required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as those which are most hazardous. Students are briefed on effective instructional approaches and use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the OSHA Outreach Training Program, to conduct both 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach classes, and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion. Students who wish to participate as authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program must prepare a presentation on an assigned OSHA General Industry Outreach Training Program topic individually or as part of a group and successfully pass a written exam at the end of the course.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #501) is designed for individuals interested in teaching the 10 and 30-hour general industry safety and health Outreach training program to their employees and other interested groups. Using the OSHA…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Trainer Course Occupational Safety & Health Standard, General (OSHA #501)
Manufacturing OSH503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.NOTE: In order to maintain trainer status, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are required to attend the Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSH503) course every four years. NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
 The Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503) course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led
ITSI Learn More about Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers (OSHA #503)
Manufacturing OSH511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas in general industry which are most hazardous. Upon course completion, students will have the ability to define general industry terms found in the OSHA General Industry Standards, identify hazards which occur in general industry, locate and determine appropriate OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and procedures, and describe the use of OSHA General Industry Standards and regulations to supplement an ongoing safety and health program.NOTE: This course is taught in English. Show less
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry (OSHA #511) course covers OSHA Standards, policies, and procedures in general industry. Topics include scope and application of the OSHA General Industry Standards, general industry principles and special emphasis on those areas…
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Face-to-Face Online Instructor-Led ITSI Learn More about Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Ind. (OSHA #511)
School Safety and Security AWR375 Risk Management for After School Activities and Interscholastic Athletics
The goal of this course is to enhance the safety and security awareness of individuals responsible for organizing, supervising, and supporting after school activities and interscholastic athletics. This innovative training will provide an online platform for learning while improving the awareness level of security and resilience within school districts and communities hosting special events and interscholastic athletics.

This course was developed in a partnership effort between The University of Southern Mississippi’s National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (USM/NCS4) and the TEEX National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC).This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for Risk & Safety Management course #7821. Show less

The goal of this course is to enhance the safety and security awareness of individuals responsible for organizing, supervising, and supporting after school activities and interscholastic athletics. This innovative training will provide an online platform for learning while improving the…
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NERRTC Learn More about Risk Management for After School Activities and Interscholastic Athletics
School Safety and Security LET221 Active Attack Event Response Leadership
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift response to these threats.The goal of this online course is to provide leaders in first response and emergency management agencies with strategic leadership and integrated response strategies that will prepare them to not only “stop the killing” but to also “stop the dying” in active attack events. Participants will also be able to recognize the need to prepare their communities for an active shooter attack and use this as an opportunity for positive outreach and community interactions.This course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT). This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #667371. Show less
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift…
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Online LAW Learn More about Active Attack Event Response Leadership
School Safety and Security LET222 Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift response to these threats. Research has shown, however, that many of the mass attacks, or active attack events, are over before law enforcement responders arrive on the scene.Civilians who find themselves embroiled in such an event must be prepared to take immediate action to save their own lives before law enforcement arrives. The average response time for police response to an active attack event is three minutes. Without effective, pre-planned response options for civilians at the scene of the attack, many victims can be seriously injured or killed during these three minutes. This online course was designed in conjunction with Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) to provide first responders and other professionals with a model response program they can deliver to civilians within their communities. May also be referred to as Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Train-the-Trainer (CRASE).This course meets Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) requirements for #3364. Show less
Available Online – Free! In the past two decades, horrific mass shootings have been thrust into public consciousness. Mitigating the effects of these events is the responsibility of those who serve in our communities’ public safety organizations. The public expects an effective and swift…
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Online LAW Learn More about Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events Instructor
School Safety and Security LET223 Active Attack Emergency Communications
Available Online – Free! Over the past twenty years, active attack response training has focused on training law enforcement to arrive quickly on scene and engage violent suspects. In recent years that focus has shifted to the fire and EMS community with the introduction of different casualty evacuation models. This online course expands the focus to include another vital part of the community response team: telecommunicators.Each link in this survival chain is important. Our response system must move through the chain as quickly as possible, even with the myriad of variables that can make it difficult. What saves lives in these events is rapid stabilization and transport to de