Software Solutions
We have been in the business of designing and developing interactive online courses for over 10 years. We have seen the industry mature, and understand that sound instructional design is the foundation of any successful program regardless of the mode of delivery.
Our curriculum development processes have been certified by the International Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET), and we are an IACET-approved training provider.
We work with our clients to understand the target audience for the courseware to ensure we deliver an appropriate and enjoyable experience for participants. Courseware can be delivered as a SCORM-compliant package, or hosted in our own FreedomLearn LMS. As an agency of the State of Texas, we are also familiar with ADA Section 508 compliance rules, and make every effort to employ accessibility best practices to deliver compliant content wherever required.
FreedomPro CMS
Update your own content with ease, and decrease your development costs. Regain your freedom with our customizable CMS.
FreedomTest Online Testing System
FreedomTest is a comprehensive online testing center that makes delivering online exams straightforward and simple.
Online Performance Reporting System
Now available to agencies and divisions, this customized software will track and report your projects for federal agencies.
Responder Training Management System
A robust online system allowing training managers the ability to track responders recurring training and credentials.
FreedomLearn LMS and Online Campus
Reporting tools that track students progress through each course. Generate and score online pre- and post-tests.
FreedomPro Training Portal
Manage online course catalogs, provide access to web-based training, and handle registration for face-to-face training sessions and more.
Online Grant Reporting
Do you need seamless reporting to the TWC Learning Outcome Training System (LOTS)? Try our web based online project portal to manage your training requirements.
Personnel Records Management System
Improve accuracy, timeliness, and distribution of information and eliminate outdated and duplicated paperwork.
SitesOnTexas v.2.0
Geographic Mapping Technology available on the web Effectively Collaborate and Plan for Business Expansion, Job Retention, and Workforce Training.
Online Curriculum Development
We design and develop rich interactive, custom training solutions that will motivate your learners.
Contact Information
John Romero
Program Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (979) 458-6710