TEEX conducts emergency response exercises for A&M System campuses

TEEX and The Texas A&M University System Office of Safety have teamed up to prepare A&M System universities for emergencies. TEEX has developed and delivered tabletop exercises that present a potential threat or incident scenario. The exercises allow university administration and emergency personnel to work through their response plan to keep students and employees safe.

Gray, Peddy tapped for new leadership positions with TEEX

The Texas Engineering Extension Service has announced two appointments to leadership positions with the agency. Dan Gray has been tapped to serve as the Chief Financial Officer and an Associate Agency Director of TEEX. Ron Peddy has been selected to serve as Division Director for the Infrastructure Training & Safety Institute.

TEEX to launch training program in therapeutics manufacturing

The Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) is partnering with three other educational organizations to build a comprehensive training program for workers in the therapeutics manufacturing industry. The goal is to provide a trained biomedical and pharmaceutical workforce to fill positions in research and manufacturing needed to support the One Health Plus™ Biocorridor initiative in Bryan-College Station.

Veteran enrollment expected to increase at TEEX under Post-9/11 GI Bill®

Changes to the Post-9/11 GI Bill® education benefits program of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which went into effect Oct. 1, are expected to increase the number of veterans who enroll in the VA-approved programs offered by the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX). The Post-9/11 GI Bill® now allows veterans to use their education benefits at non-college degree-granting schools such as TEEX.

Mays Business School and TEEX enter a 5-year agreement

Mays Business School at Texas A&M University and the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) have entered into a five-year agreement to provide mutually beneficial services to both entities. As part of the agreement, TEEX will provide two Disaster City® Challenge events for Mays’ Full-Time and Executive MBA programs annually, and Mays will sponsor one enrollment per year in the Executive MBA program annually for a TEEX employee.

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